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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Week 12, Day 2, Diet with Dianna

"Where are the photos of food for your blog?" you say. Well, I haven't really eaten anything new that requires a new photo, but when I do eat something interesting or new, I'll be sure to post it.
Starting next week, hopefully, I will add a new page to this blog. I will post some of my recipes for the delicious foods I prepare. Foods that are low in sugars and carbohydrates. Hmm-Delicious!

Revelation Knowledge:
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9. 
This is true, the methods may be different or the components different, but it has all been done before. People are overweight, people are thin...people overeat and people don't eat. 
My way is to be aware of the things I put into my body. I don't judge anyone; only myself. I am the only one that has to answer to God for my actions. I can only live by example. UP until now, I haven't been a good example with my eating habits. Now, I can change that and part of that change is confessing, forgiveness, and learning new habits. I write about my food and share it publicly for all to share in the successes and failures (hopefully not too many failures). 

None, my husband and I spent the biggest part of the day at the hospital with my eldest son...he has a kidney stone! Painful. Praise God, he is home, resting, and recovering!

One bowl of Fiber One Honey Squares with Almond milk (sugar free), coffee in the usual way.
Breakfast S/C: 1/1

No snack.

Chick-Fil-A chicken tender strips..two of them and a few waffle fries.
Lunch S/C: 1/2

Hungry Girl whole wheat flat bread with pastrami and turkey, cheddar cheese and dill pickle relish.
Dinner S/C: 0/1

Cheese round (Babybel) and a few mixed nuts. Zero calorie Life Water.
Snack S/C: 0/0

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