At the doctor's office, I was the same weight with my clothes on as what my scales said before my shower, last night. Since I use MY bathroom scales, regularly, I will go with that weight numbers as the official count, even though the doctor's office count was less. I'll give you the official loss count tomorrow.
Other news, I spent several hours in the car, traveling to and from the doctor's office and doing some sightseeing of our old stomping grounds. Wow, things have really changed in a few short years!
Sort of...My youngest son and I walked the huge mall, upstairs and down stairs...all the way around. We also parked at the outer edges and walked that distance, too.
Revelation Knowledge:
Below is the topic from my morning Bible study, today.
Let Your New Man or Woman Out
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Romans 12:1)When you made Jesus Christ Lord of your life, you became what the Bible calls a "new creature." Inside, you're not the same person you were before. You have the nature of God born into you. But it's not enough for you just to have that new nature on the inside. You have to let it take over the outside as well.
Don't expect that to happen automatically. You have to make a decision to bring your body into obedience to the new man within you. You must determine to do what Romans 6:12 says and "let not sin...reign in your mortal body."
I know that sounds tough, but remember, you're not in this alone. You have a Helper inside you to enable you to carry out that decision. His name is the Holy Spirit. He's there to strengthen you. He gives you the power to put sin out of your life and under your feet.
Make that decisive dedication of your body today--and let that new man that's on the inside of you begin to come out! ~Gloria Copeland
Faith to Faith, A Daily Guide to Victory
© 1992 Eagle Mountain International Church aka Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001
******It reminds me of how I make it from day to day...not of my own skills, knowledge, and actions, but the Spirit of God who works through me. He won't take over your will, but you must release the human desires of the flesh and let Him lead and guide your thoughts and decisions.
- Chick-Fil-A chicken breast, egg, and cheese (ditched the bread!)
- A few hash browns.
- Coffee with Stevia (I carry in my purse) and two Mini-Moos.
Breakfast S/C: 1/2 (A guess.)
A few pumpkin seeds and two dehydrated apple pieces.
Snack S/C: 2/1
Nope...too full
Nope...still too full.
Enchilada Casserole (tortilla strips, chicken fajita meat, a few onions, enchilada sauce, cheese and cream. Seasoning.
Side of roasted potatoes (for me)
Spanish rice for the family.
Dinner S/C: 2/2
Last small slice of my Sugar Free, No Bake, Spiced Pumpkin Cheesecake
Snack S/C: 1/1
Daily S/C Total:6/6
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