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Friday, January 6, 2012

Week 32, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

Wow! Great day! Stayed busy most of the day. I did eat well. Woke up late but grabbed a piece of toast and coffee as we ran out the door. Later I baked cookies for the family and made two pots of chili. One with beans (I like the beans) and some without beans (my men folk like it bean-less). OH, so Dee-Lish-Ous!!!!! Good winter comfort food!  It was good and spicy, which made my nose water.

Did not walk.

Revelation Knowledge:
Psalm 139:13 & 14  You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

Even though we may change our eating habits, we still have cravings for unhealthy foods. Here is a testimony from a girl who replaced her cravings for food to Cravings for Jesus and gained control over her fleshly desires:

After having lost 60 pounds through exercise and changes in diet, I knew I still had not conquered my addiction to food and I privately feared that I would gain the weight back. Despite my physical success, I still fell prey to desires for the sugary treats and unhealthy meals. During a session at a health conference at my church, the speaker (Dr. Celeste Owens) mentioned... spiritual malnutrition. I can’t thank God enough for the book and for Lysa.Made to Crave has changed my life. I’m now down 75 pounds, with a goal to take off a total of 120 pounds. I know that each choice I make determines my victory or defeat. I tell everyone about this book. Even my trainer (a male) is reading it! — Vanessa T.

Today's Menu:
Toast and coffee (on the run).
Jason's Deli: Salad bar (I measured out 3 cups total salad and topping) Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, red onion, apples, nuts, raisins, feta cheese, spinach leaves, and romaine. Oil & Vinegar dressing. :D
Bowl of homemade chili (three beans and ground turkey) DEE-LISH!
Spiced Pumpkin cookie and coffee for a late snack.

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