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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Week 31, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

Boo-hoo! I am up two pounds. I ate way too much during this holiday break. Not necessarily the wrong things, just too much of the good things.  Back to the grindstone. I am not happy about having to retrace my footsteps. Now I have to work longer. In hindsight, it is not worth it. Oh well, I will pull up my bootstraps and get stomping. It is only a minor setback. I can do it! I WILL do it!

I am fighting off symptoms of a cold. I didn't exercise nor did I kettlebell. YUCK!

I ate better today. Hooray for me!

Today's menu:
One egg, whole wheat toast, Turkey sausage, coffee.

A few pretzels and a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese

Hot Vanilla tea latte', unsweetened and one Rolo melted on a pretzel! YUM!!!!!!!

Homemade hamburger on a homemade whole wheat slice of bread and mixed veggies (thanks to my sweet daughter).

Coffee and fresh made popcorn (not cooked in the microwave but on my father's new popcorn machine). DEE-LISH!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas, Happy New year. Week 31

Not in Texas but beautiful just the same.

Sunday, Christmas Day and Monday the 26th.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!

I have had such a great Christmas and basked in the laziness of the day after Christmas, too. I ate a cinnamon roll on Christmas morning. It was small, but what a treat. I also ate a cinnamon roll for dessert in the evening with my coffee. After many weeks of good behavior it was a very welcomed treat.
I walked 1.5 mi on Christmas and the day after. BRRRRR it was cold and rainy but it felt good to get the blood pumping to warm me up.

Yes, I've been kettlebelling! I had to work off the cinnamon rolls somehow.

May God richly bless you through His Son, Jesus Christ, who was sent to save US. If you don't know Christ as your personal Lord and Savior I have included a prayer of Salvation for you. Please accept Jesus into your heart and live in eternity with me and so many others that have done this, too.

Prayer of Salvation.Father in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus, who died on the cross for me. In your book, the Holy Bible, you say, "Whoever calls on the name of Lord shall be saved". (Acts2:21)Water BaptismAs a new Christian you might like to get more information about water baptism.
What is water baptism?What do I do now?It is a very good idea to start reading the Bible. Don't be afraid of reading it. Try looking at "Bible Gateway" on the internet. Select a version that is easy to read like: The New Living Translation and the Amplified Bible.You don't have to be afraid of making mistakes, because all new believer's do. You have forgiveness.It is also a great idea for you to seek out a church that believes and studies the Holy Bible. This will help encourage you and help you grow as a follower of Christ. It isn't hard and you don't have to become a saint or a monk. God just wants you to love him, love others as Jesus did.Being a Christian doesn't mean you have to be poor, sick, or dull. When you read the Bible you will see that being a Christian is fun, exciting, joyful and very fulfilling.Congratulations on your new life in Jesus Christ!If you would like more information on what it means to be a Christian here is one place to visit. now I am asking you to come into my heart, forgive my sins, past and present. Please forget my past, and give me a home, with you for eternity, in heaven. Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth that 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved". Thank you, Lord for saving me. In Jesus' name, Amen!If you said this prayer then your name has been written in the Book of Life. You are now an adopted child and heir of God and all the benefits of being His child are now yours.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Week 30, Friday, Diet with Dianna

Christmas Eve 2011.
The best Christmas Eve on record for me. Spent the day with my beautiful family. We had a delicious breakfast of homemade french toast, eggs, turkey sausage and coffee. Then around 1 p.m. we drove across town to my mother-in-law's house to have Christmas Eve fellowship. I ate delicious healthy food. I had fresh veggies, a small triangle chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat bread, a few corn tortillas and some red grapes. Coffee for dessert.
Next we attended a candlelight worship service at our church. SUPER AWESOME! Beautiful inspiring service. I was brought to tears at the sheer number of people and the view of all the candles. God was in the house!
Finally, we headed back home for our traditional Subway sandwich dinner and watched "White Christmas".  So much fun; Heaven on earth.

A good time was had by all. Christmas Day is on its way.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Week 10, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

Great day! Busy with all the Pre-Christmas preparations. Tomorrow I have three more gifts to purchase and I will have all Christmas gifts DONE! I always think I'm finished then I remember someone else that I should've gotten a gift. AHHH!

Hey, now is the time to prepare a healthy menu! Don't cave in to the temptations of all the high calorie foods. AVOID them with healthy replacements. Practice saying "No Thank You" in your loveliest tone. Pretend you're a beauty pageant contestant and this is your 'interview' portion. "No Thank Yooooo" *toothy white sparkly smile* Now wave to the lovely people and's time to gracefully turn and saunter off the stage, and walk away...just walk away.

DO NOT go near the dessert tables. Don't you dare overeat, either! You can overcome the flesh! You are a success! You will feel so happy when you resist! No regrets tomorrow! You are beautiful AND thinner!
Think about all the others will gain...but not you!

Walked 1.5 miles, briskly. My dog was very happy.
No kettlebells...knees hurt. Tomorrow I will kettlebell. Need a timeout.

Today's menu:
Small bowl of oats with cherries and blueberries, turkey sausage and coffee.

Small salad from Wendy's and a few fries, diet coke.

A few corn chips and a small piece of coffee cake...very small with a cup of coffee.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 30, Monday & Tuesday, Diet with Dianna


Monday, good to me.
I was just so busy. I got some shopping finished for baking tomorrow. Worked on book edits. That is why I skipped yesterday and posting on Tuesday for both days.
I got in some walking and kettlebells. I did kettlebells while watching one of my weekly programs. IT felt so good to exercise after sitting for so long.  My body this morning was groaning from the workout last night. AHH!  I will kettlebell again, tonight after my walk.

I did a lot of baking today...non diet food. Getting ready for Christmas gifts. It may seem cheap, but I can guarantee it is not cheap and there is a lot of time and love put into each delicious morsel.  I enjoy baking and just for the record...I only liked my finger one time and that was by accident. My daughter is a witness.

Today's menu:
A small bowl of oats w/raspberries and a piece of whole wheat toast and coffee.

Small Jr. sized Burger King hamburger and a few fries...NOT MY CHOICE but I was with other people.

Mexican food: one beef taco and a few chips and salsa. (Date night with my husband).

I'm not going to post pictures of my baked just wouldn't be nice to tempt people with things they cannot eat. You'll just have to take my word for it...It all turned out beautiful!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week 29, Saturday, Diet with Dianna

Revelation Knowledge:

Luke 1:68-70
New Life Version (NLV)
“Let us thank the Lord God of Israel. He has bought His people and made them free. He has raised up from the family of David One Who saves people from the punishment of their sins. His holy early preachers told us this long ago. [ Bible Gateway ]

Okay...I see more and more articles and videos on the internet and television about Kettlebells. They are quickly rising in popularity. The reason I think this is happening is because they are just so easy to use. You don't have to go to a fancy gym and you don't have to have a lot of them. One or two of them and you have a complete total body workout.

I like them better than dumbbells. I like swinging it and how my heart rate jumps right up, and then I begin to sweat. They don't look like much but then you see someone swinging one around and you think..."ha! that's child's play". NOPE...It is much tougher than you think...really. 

I challenge you to just try it for 5 minutes...using a 5 lb. or 10lb. kettlebell.  The next time your at a super-sized department store or athletic store , go by and pick one up in the sporting goods/exercise department. Give it a swing. I'll bet you'll swing it more than once.

Hey, they are rather inexpensive, too. It's a great way to get muscle tone AND aerobic exercise at the same time. Double the benefits.

I have attached two links: One, is to an article about kettlebells and the other is a quick video routine.

Just look!

Prevention Magazine, Kettlebells

Kettlebell Workout

I ate a piece of pound cake I will double up on my exercise, today. Was it worth it? Probably not, but I did it anyway.

Saturday's menu:
Egg, turkey sausage, biscuit, coffee

After church we went to Taco Cabana. I had street tacos...beef, onion and corn tortillas...very small. I ate three of them and a diet coke with lime.

and a piece of pound cake with coffee.

I walked and then kettlebell for 8 minutes.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week 29, Friday, Diet with Dianna

Happy Birthday to my daughter, Britt! Today is her 25th birthday! First off was a celebratory breakfast with the Birthday Girl, Fox, and my folks at Cracker Barrel. Then  Britt and I were off to the mall to do some shopping and we got lot's of good things. Next, we headed home to wrap some Christmas gifts (her birthday gifts were already wrapped). Next we headed to the the theater to see the new Sherlock Holmes, Game of Shadows (Warner Bros.) movie with the entire family, which was most excellent!
After the show we went to Boston's for her birthday dinner. Britt opened her gifts and we ate very well. THEN, we went to my sister's house for coffee and then finally home...whew! I am whupped! Ready for some good rest. It was the best day! I love my precious family! God is so good!
Panoramic shot taken at Cracker Barrel, by Fox

Panoramic Trick shot taken by Fox!

Friday's Menu:
Egg, turkey sausage, whole wheat toast, coffee

Broccoli and a few onion rings

Whole wheat pizza with sun dried tomatoes, garlic and cheese

Slice of birthday pound cake!!!! Yes, I ate was thin, but I ate the whole slice!!!!! YUM!!!

Revelation Knowledge:
In everything rejoice! Be glad in the moments. Good or bad, just be glad. I know from experience that during trials and troubles it is hard to see the good in anything, but just know that it is only temporary. Goodness is everywhere, you only have to see it.
It's a choice in your heart and mind to be happy. External things cannot make you happy. Having all the money in the world cannot make you happy. King Solomon, the wisest and wealthiest man that ever lived, said:  

Ecclesiastes 12:8 & 13“ Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher, “ All is vanity.” Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.
Jesus said as recorded in the book of Luke, 10:27; So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, 'and ‘your neighbor as yourself.
Only, truly loving the Lord God will make you truly happy!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Week 29, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

Today was busy with shopping for Christmas, grocery store for supplies for birthday cake, and baking birthday cake and hors d'oeuvres.  I got up early and went to bed late! Whew...
Tomorrow, Friday, is my daughter's 25th birthday so today I baked her a pound cake. I also cooked something to take to our Bible study group's Christmas party, which is tonight...and they turned out super delicious. Crescent rolls filled with Basil, garlic, and Parmesan cheese pesto sauce. The house smelled soooooo good! YUM!!

Exercise: Nope...I only walking. I will get a walk in today, for sure!
No breakfast, but I ate salad  and soup from Olive Garden for lunch.
Dinner...late, but had fresh uncooked veggies, a few meatballs, and some and one stuffed mushroom, a slice of Swiss cheese and some coffee.  (at the party.)  NO sweets for me :D

On yesterday's post I forgot to add the recipe for French Toast.... It is as follows: 


6 slices of whole wheat bread (I like to use stale bread or French bread)2 whole, large eggs – shells discarded⅔ cup half and half1 tablespoon sugar (or sugar substitute)¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg1 teaspoon vanilla extract½ teaspoon almond extract Mixing DirectionsBeat together egg, milk, salt, spices and vanilla.Cooking Methods:Method #1:Heat a lightly oiled griddle (I use real butter) or non-stick skillet over medium-high flame.Dunk each slice of bread in egg mixture, soaking both sides.
Place in the heated skillet or griddle.Cook on each side until golden.
Serve hot with melted butter and maple syrup. Method #2 (This is the method I prefer….it is the easiest and the toast is crunchy!Preheat oven to 400 F.Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.Generously grease with butter the parchment paper
Prepare the French toast and then lay each slice on the buttered pan.Butter the tops with melted butter.Sprinkle with additional cinnamon/sugar…OPTIONAL.Bake for 20 minutes or until the toast is lightly golden brown.Remove from the oven and serve hot with warmed maple syrup and whipped cream.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week 29, Wednesday, Diet with Dianna

Wednesday has not been my usual day. I didn't go volunteer at church because they were having their office Christmas party. No need to go if no one is going to be there. Instead I spent the day with my youngest grown son, editing his soon to be published science fiction novel. We are nearly finished and getting so excited about the publishing aspect.  

Next, we ate barbecue for lunch and then headed home for a much needed walk. It was misting outside, but I donned a baseball cap and walked anyway! It felt so good to get some exercise. I know my dog was happy. Now, I'm slowly drying out and updating my blog.

Let's face it, we live in a fast paced, overly scheduled, drive-thru society. Meals on the go are the new family table. So why not prepare your food ahead of time and store them in the freezer. It will save you a lot of wasted time and even more wasted money. The food is so much better tasting you won't have to sit in long, slow line and eat unknown ingredients which are high in calories and fat! Besides, your freezer is so much more convenient and it's a great way to teach your kids how to operate the microwave and fix a quick meal for themselves, should they be on their own for an hour or two after school.

It's been a long day and you don't feel like cooking a huge meal when you get home, plus the kids all have a mountain of homework and the laundry is piled to the underneath side of the countertops. Who has time for a gourmet dinner? Wouldn't a bucket of greasy chicken with powdered potatoes and salty green beans be better? Really????

Why not simply spend a few hours on the weekend or in the evening and cook up a batch of "take-out" meals that will please your palette, love your waistline, and feed your children nutritiously. Plus, you will be sitting at a real table instead of a cramped car. You control the portions and ingredients. Your kids will be healthier, you will be healthier, your marriage partner will be healthier, and your wallet will be thicker!

I have a few helpful ideas and recipes to get you meal at a time. Don't try to fill up your freezer in one day. Just start with one meal a day and work your way up! You'll see that it will add time to your busy schedule and less calories to your waistline.

Waffles – if you have a waffle iron, just separate the waffles, brush them with melted butter, and let them cool. You don’t have to use maple syrup on the outside, but can use jelly or peanut butter as a topping. If you want the maple flavor, add ¼ cup of the maple syrup into the recipe and reduce the liquid by ¼ cup. 
Wrap each waffle in a paper towel, and place in a zipper style bag. Freeze.
REHEAT: Remove from plastic but keep it wrapped in the paper towel. Heat for 1 minute on med/high power.

Waffle Sandwich:
Using the waffles above, slice each square into half, layer with a scrambled egglet  (omelet style scrambled egg) and bacon or sausage.
Place the egg and bacon/sausage between two quarter waffles;
REHEAT Remove from plastic but keep it wrapped in the paper towel. Heat for 1 minute on high power.

Pancakes w/syrup When preparing the pancake batter, add ¼ cup of maple syrup to the recipe and reduce the liquid by ¼ cup.  Make the pancakes ‘silver dollar’ size. Brush with melted butter, let cool. Place three or four inside a paper towel and then into a plastic zipper bag.REHEAT: Remove from plastic but keep it wrapped in the paper towel. Heat for thirty seconds on high power.

Pancake Sandwich:Follow the instructions for the waffle sandwich but substitute pancakes for the waffles.
Breakfast Biscuits:Bake some buttermilk or southern style biscuits (frozen or from scratch). Let cool. Slice, lengthwise down the middle to make it like a bun. Precook some mini scrambled egglets. Precook some turkey Sausage or turkey bacon. Cheese slices. Stack them together to make a sandwich. Wrap in paper towel, put in zipper bag and freeze.
REHEAT: Remove from plastic but keep it wrapped in the paper towel. Heat for thirty seconds on high power.

French Toast Sticks: Make a batch of French toast using regular style whole wheat bread. Slice the bread into three equal rectangles.
Let cool completely, Wrap three of them in a paper towel, and place in a zipper style bag. Freeze.REHEAT: Remove from plastic but keep it wrapped in the paper towel. Heat for thirty seconds on high power. Dip them in a small plastic container filled with low sugar or sugar free syrup.
Breakfast Burritos: Scramble some eggs with turkey sausage. Use Low carb tortillas and add the cooked eggs/sausage and sprinkle with shredded cheddar or Monterrey Jack cheese. Roll into a burrito and secure with a toothpick or small rubber band. Let cool completely. Place one inside a paper towel and then into a plastic zipper bag.REHEAT: Remove from plastic but keep it wrapped in the paper towel. Heat for thirty seconds on high power.

Oatmeal in a cup!Oatmeal cups to go. Simply measure ½ cup Old Fashioned rolled oats into a zipper style baggie. Add brown sugar or sugar substitute, dried fruit and nuts.  (DO NOT COOK AOR ADD WATER…this is dry and unprepared). Store in cool dry place.Just Add Hot Water: Empty the premeasured flavored oatmeal into a microwave style, travel coffee mug,
Make a pot of hot water with your coffee maker or kettle. Pour in a ⅓ cup of water and give a quick stir. Cover with the lid.
Wait until you get into the car to eat…It will be perfect. Not too thick or thin and the oats will be tender and the fruit rehydrated.

Week 29, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

Exercise, exercise, exercise. I cannot stress enough how important it is to exercise! I haven't walked in over a week...rainy, cold and ....all excuses. I can bundle up and carry an umbrella. No good excuse from me really.

I looked online at some kettlebell exercise FREE videos, just to change up my routine. The one thing I've noticed is that the 'athlete-type' people in these videos finish their routines all sweaty and out of breath. Those of you that think kettlebells are not a good workout, I dare you to try it. You'll see that it is a GREAT full body workout. Your heart will get pumping, your arms, legs, butt, and abs will be screaming for a break after 5 minutes. REALLY!

I have a photo of a girl that says she only uses kettlebells for muscle strengthening and she looks great! I want to have this kind of definition in my neck, arms, and (what you cannot see in the photo) abdomen and legs.  BUT!!!! I have to put forth the effort. Looking at photos, watching videos...won't get the job done. I have to exercise!!!!! No one can do it for me.

Food Menu:
Egg, sausage, hashbrowns, toast (one slice of homemade whole wheat), coffee.

One slice of cheese pizza...I ate with my nephew and parents so this is what we had for lunch. Quick and easy.

Dinner: Olive Garden lettuce and one breadstick....and then another breadstick. (We ordered soup & salad, BUT 15 minutes after ordering our waitress merely delivered the salads and disappeared only to return 20 minutes later with our soup...NO THANK YOU! We will take it to go and have a chat with the manager.  We got our meal for free and takeout for tomorrow, and two - $5 coupons for our next purchase.  We told her that we fully intended to pay for our meal , but she insisted that we get a freebie. We didn't yell or get mad, but spoke kindly and let her know that we were not mad, but disappointed. I think that's why we got all the extra stuff! Thank you Lord!)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 29, Monday, Diet with Dianna

I'm down only half a pound, but that is good. I'm on the slow boat to China but at least I'm headed in the right direction. The holidays are tough with all the food, candy, commercials, and stores shoving food in front of our faces. Just about everywhere we go and look we are inundated with sugary foods and HIGH calorie foods! I remember when I used to indulge and think nothing of the calories or my waistline. Now it is in the forefront of my mind, where I thoughtfully positioned it. I'm using my past as a warning to my future. I'm looking ahead but I remember how I used to feel and look.

Philippians 3:13-15 (NKJV)
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.

Our memories can be used for good or for evil. If you use your past as a source of instruction and lessons learned, then it's worth remembering. However, if all you do is relieve and drudge up your past mistakes and punish yourself for your failures, you're only wasting your time. Rehashing past failures can paralyze you in fear of making more mistakes, which, of course, just makes the feeling worse and practically guarantees future disappointments and failures. 

If we take heed of our mistakes and don't let them be an anchor to progress then past failures are the stepping stones to a better future. Let the past remain a history lesson, but not the driving force that hinders your forward momentum. When reporters are hounding the winning team's coach or athlete for comments, amazingly, they have the shortest recollection of their mistakes and failures. Instead of dwelling on a missed touchdown or a flawed three point shot, they concentrate on improving their technique and getting it right the next time. It's as if their failure never happened. They've use it as a springboard to their future successes. They don't become disabled from trying again. 

If you mess up, so what! Even if you really blew it in epic proportions, all you need to do is to stop focusing on the past and use the mistakes or failures to work in your favor. Let this be valuable lessons and your future will be successful! 

Luke 12:22 - 34 (NKJV) Then He said to His disciples, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on. 23 Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith? “And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.  “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Week 28, Sunday, Diet with Dianna

Super day! Slept until 8 a.m. cooked muffins for the family and eggs, sausage, coffee for everyone. The muffins smelled great and I nibbled on the edge of one...just to taste, but I didn't indulge any further than a mere taste.
No exercise today. Instead, we attended a visitation for a relative that was promoted to Heaven. We saw a lot of my husband's side of the family. It's sad, but we mostly see these folks only at weddings, funerals, and Facebook.  
I got to show off my "svelte" self, and I enjoyed all the positive comments! NICE! My husband's cousin used that word to describe my appearance. I wasn't sure if I should say thank you or be offended. Gathering from his tone of voice, I chose the first and said "thank you".  It was great to look thin when most of them were...shall I say...fluffy? Being thinner can also make you feel least for me, anyway.
By the handsome husband was, by far, the best looking one there...and the most fit! ;D

Revelation Knowledge:
I really like this word, and it is now my new word of choice while eating more healthy:
svelte = Slender or graceful in figure or outline; slim.

Today's Menu:
Egg, turkey sausage, homemade slice of whole wheat toast, coffee.

Cobb Salad, corn chips with salsa, diet coke.  This was a delicious Salad from Chili's. I shared it with my husband and we still left over half uneaten. The portions are very huge. Really!

Fiber One Low Calorie Yogurt...the 50 Calorie size.
It is just so good and my favorite flavor is Key Lime. OH! So tasty!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 28, Saturday, Diet with Dianna

Lazy day...almost. I cooked breakfast for the entire family. Eggs, toast, biscuits, bacon, sausage, coffee and hot chocolate. Everyone had something they liked! It's great to have everyone home and eating around the table at the same time.  For lunch, we had warmed leftover pizza and for dinner, nothing...just snacked on nuts and drank coffee.
I did bake bread, whole wheat, and made some dessert bars for the others. I actually ate one and about thirty minutes later I was having a sugar rush! AHHHH! No thank you, I don't want to ever have a repeat of that, again. The dessert bars were gooey and caramel and nutty, but not worth the after effects. Amazing how our bodies adapt and change.
I didn't exercise, either. I took the day off. We went to our church Christmas program last night so we didn't go to church tonight...just a repeat of the Christmas play.  Today felt like Sunday...all day. Going to church on Friday night just messed with my head. Now I get to have two Sunday's this week. Excellent!

Well, I don't have any revelation knowledge...that took a day off, too.

Be blessed in every way...happy healthy eating!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 28, Friday, Diet with Dianna

Woo-Hoo! Friday!  I did some Christmas shopping today and then headed off to see the Christmas Musical at church! AWESOME!!!!! It was called: "Truthical"

[link: ]

Afterward the whole family went to eat at Cracker Barrel. It was delicious. I had the vegetable plate with green beans, carrots, peas, and tossed salad. OH BOY was it delicious. NO pancakes for me!
A great time was had by all!

Revelation Knowledge: Matthew 7:3, And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?

Critical Eyes:

We all know people who just like to criticize. It seems that no matter what you do, this person finds critical errors in what you say, how you diet, how you dress, where you live...and the list goes on and on...
Even the nicest and seemingly happy person can have trouble with someone who finds faults or has objective opinions about everything and everyone around them. 

Maybe that person with the critical eyes is you? However, if your Christian character is strong, then you can stop the fault finding and seeing the world through critical eyes through spending time in the Word and walking in the Love of Christ. Jesus will help you to reverse the vision of criticism that you might be harboring. If you're seeing the 'critical side' too often and constantly 'finding faults' in your circumstances OR with other people, then its time to take another look. This time you need to take a look at yourself!  It is vital to start with yourself when you're finding things to improve. Change starts with you and it begins from within your heart.

Now that you've been dieting, your appearance has probably changed. Some of you might only see small physical differences while others may see a dramatic physical changes. But these changes in your body are only on the surface; To truly be happy you have to change from within, starting with your heart. When you spend time in the Word you will find the only way to be truly happy. That is when your mindset and your attitude will change. TRUE beauty comes from within and from The Light that shines through your actions and your words. Simply changing on the outside will have no effect on your happiness or fulfillment unless you change on the inside, too.  Only a heart that is focused on the Heavenly Father will be truly happy.

So the next time you start to have critical eyes over another person or your circumstances, STOP and turn your eyes towards your Heavenly Father and ask Him to show you the areas where you can change.

Thank you Father that you do not criticize, scrutinize, or find fault in me as I do with my circumstances or other people around me. Please forgive me for looking through the eyes of criticism and help me to truly see others through the eyes of Jesus. Please let me walk in His kindness, His forgiveness and most of all, HIS LOVE. ~AMEN! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week 28, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

Yippee! I walked and ran today. I don't usually run but after I had started out on my walk, I realized after we had walked about 3/10 of a mile that I was wearing the wrong shoes. I let the others continue to walk and I ran back home, changed shoes, and ran a different route to meet back up with my group. I still got in my 1.5 miles but I actually ran for about a quarter of the total. I felt great and I wasn't winded after running. My knees and ankles are not really happy when I run but since I do it so seldom, it doesn't hurt me on the rare occasion that I do run.

I was out and about most of the day, so I only ate a decent breakfast at home and ate out for lunch and dinner. Since I wasn't alone, I ate where the other's in my party wanted to eat. I ate a beef taco for lunch. For dinner I had two slices of extra thin veggie pizza.
My breakfast was a half cup of oats, coffee, egg, sausage and one slice of homemade whole wheat toast! It was my favorite meal of the day!!!

Did some kettlebells this morning before my shower...NICE!!!!!

Tomorrow will be a good one. I'm going somewhere special. I won't tell until tomorrow's post!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Week 28, Wednesday, Diet with Dianna

Wednesday...I have skipped a few days...soo busy. I thought I would get caught up, but alas, I have not.
I have an excerpt from one of my support websites.  It has some good advice, but I don't particularly agree with the diet soda argument. If you drink is empty calories. What does it matter if you drink water or tea or diet soda....aren't they all EMPTY CALORIES? That is such a bogus argument.

Experts cannot agree on anything, they this, not that...then two months or two years down the road they recant their findings and present totally opposite arguments. 
Rules to Eat by:

  1. Eat in moderation. 
  2. Don't gulp your food
  3. Eat to live not live to eat
  4. Drink plenty of fluids...water. Moderate your coffee, tea, and sodas...especially the sugary kind.
  5. Think about what you are eating. Pay attention to the process. Don't mindlessly shove food in your mouth.
  6. Don't super-size....minimize! Eat smaller portions. Hold both of your fists, side by side...that is approximately the size of your stomach! If you eat more than that in one sitting...YOU ARE PROBABLY OVERWEIGHT AND OVEREATING!  (Blunt but true.)
  7. Eat more veggies and fruit than you eat bread and proteins!
  8. Eat more often...every three hours.
  9. Limit sugar and starches
  10. Limit your caloric intake to 1500 - 2000 calories a day. 120 grams carbohydrates and 15 grams of sugar.
  11. EXERCISE!!!!
  12. Quit making excuses! They are only ways to stay in bondage to food and your addiction.

For awhile, nutrition experts hypothesized that the high cholesterol content of eggs raised blood cholesterol levels, which can increase a person's risk of heart disease. But this hypothesis was never proven. In fact, several studies have shown that the consumption of eggs is not associated with higher cholesterol levels but is associated with higher nutrient intake. 
In 2000, researchers set out to assess the nutritional significance of eggs in the American diet and to estimate the degree of association between egg consumption and cholesterol levels. Their straightforward results were published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition: Eggs make important nutritional contributions to the American diet and their consumption is not associated with high cholesterol levels. Specifically, the study showed that egg consumers had a higher intake of important nutrients like vitamins B12, A, E, and C than non-egg eaters, and that people who reported eating four or more eggs per week actually had significantly lower average cholesterol levels than those who reported eating zero to one eggs per week. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week 27, Friday, Diet with Dianna

A very full schedule and no room for error. I cut it close. Getting ready for the Christmas Party for our class at church. For the last two days, my daughter and I put together about twenty gift baskets. TIME CONSUMING! I had to run to the store three times to get extra wrapping supplies. My estimations were terrible. Thankfully the baskets looked amazing! Thanks Britt for all your help; I couldn't have done it without you.
Exercising was out the window. I just couldn't squeeze it in. I should have planned better ~FAIL.  I must re-think my sleeping and working schedules.

Saturday promises to be MUCH calmer. Thank you Lord.


‎~Youth does not come in a bottle or from the makeup counter at the mall,
It comes from the kitchen and the gym.
Nutritious food and proper exercise are the only way to preserve your youthful glow, longer.~
Today's Menu 
I believe a GREAT well prepared breakfast has been my diet's saving grace. I never feel really hungry the rest of the day, when I eat well for my first meal of the day.
Small bowl of Old fashioned oats w/blueberries
one egg, pan fried
(I never fry my eggs in bacon grease or loads of butter! Instead I use a very good non-stick pan and non-stick olive oil spray. I place the egg in a prepared medium heat skillet and then immediately cover with a glass lid. The egg cooks to perfection, without ever having to use a spatula. When the egg is done, I simply slide it onto my plate! The egg is amazingly delicious.)
Two turkey sausage links

One beef taco with extra lettuce and tomatoes and fresh salsa and a few fresh corn chips.
Diet coke with a wedge of lime

Barbeque brisket, smoked turkey, green beans, onion straws and diet cola.

A few pix of the GIFT BASKETS for door prizes for church Christmas Party.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week 27, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

What? Thursday already? Where have I been, you say?  Busy! This week has been, way over the top, busy. I am working on two projects that are due this weekend. Two huge, time consuming projects. AHHH! So busy that I haven't exercised, planned any meals, and barely ate decently. I haven't eaten anything that is not on my diet...just not well balanced. By Monday I hope to be back to a slower pace and I can again focus on proper eating.  I know I haven't lost any weight, but I am maintaining.

Tonight I actually walked my usual 1.5 miles. It felt so good. I miss walking. WHAT? Did that come from my mouth? I missed walking? Yep, it's true, but you want to know something even more surprising? I miss kettlebelling! EXACTLY, it sounds crazy to miss doing physical exercising, but my body is craving it.  IT is bittersweet: I hate to exercise, yet I miss exercising. *Wake up.....wake're having a bad dream, Dianna....wake up!*

Revelation knowledge:
“[The Word Became Flesh] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:1-2, 14 NIV

Today's Menu:
Small bowl of oats, one egg, and two turkey sausage links

Burrito and beef taco

Slice of turkey and cheddar cheese.

(I know I need more veggies...really, I know!)

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