Acts 20:24However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

The neighborhood where I live has quite a bit more steeper hills compared to the gradual hills at the event location, today. If I hadn't had the opportunity to work out on a tougher course prior to this event then my time today might have been a much slower pace. This course at the church property was very nice and there were two hills to climb. The weather was cold and rainy, however the rain miraculously stopped for the race and started up after the race was over. THANK YOU LORD!
Sure, I was there for the experience and fun...not to race and not to compete with any other participants. However, when there are a lot of people doing the same thing, the emotions of the moment kick you in the brains and your body tries harder, pushing you further than just a walk in the neighborhood. Today was tremendously fun, exciting, and incredibly hard! I am definitely going to keep walking/jogging and hopefully, next year, I will be able to run the entire walking.
Oh, by the way, I forgot to get some snap shots of me, my daughter and my husband. They participated with me too! Of course, they finished much faster times than me, but we still had a blast!!!!
For some reason...I can't imagine why...I was very hungry today!!! (Tee-he-he)
It was fun and you were AWESOME!!!!