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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 39, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

John 15: 9 - 11 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.."

To remain means: to stay in the same state or condition. How do you remain in God's love? I believe, as the scriptures say, by constantly studying the Word (to know his will for us and know his commands). We read and study the Bible to store it in our memory. Then when temptations come, we will feel his strength to endure through the trial, His love to shield fill us with contentment and His power to overcome. 

Maybe you look to food to fill the sadness or empty, hollow feelings of your despair, hurt, or sadness. If you are not remaining in the Word, then it is easy to reach out for a quick fix of food to fill the missing love, comfort and joy. Some people will turn to drugs and alcohol for escape or fill the hurt, but these are mere band aids. The don't have any healing qualities, they only cover up what the pain but eventually you have to pull it off. Pulling off a sticky bandage causes more pain and reveals a wound that can easily become an open hurt, again.

Complete: the absolute total; to make whole, with all the necessary parts and components.

Only the Love of our Heavenly Father can completely heal and fill up our wounds and hurts with His amazing, miraculous, overflowing, unconditional love and joy!  God is the only way to long lasting, true, satisfying and complete happiness.


Yikes! My legs are sore! Every step I took this afternoon and evening after I walked/jogged 3.2 miles today, HURTS! (I put the 'point' and the two-tenths of a mile in my distance because I want every tenth to count. I am not rounding down or up. I want the full benefit of the distance I exercised!!!! I am feeling every step in my muscles and I don't want to forget this pain...because I am not going back to unhealthy! I want this memory of my sore muscles to serve as a reminder...Don't eat unhealthy! Unhealthy hurts!

Egg, turkey sausage, whole wheat toast, coffee

50 calorie strawberry yogurt with a few nuts and raisins. Life Water Zero - Lemonade flavor

Beef Taco and corn chips and salsa...Diet Coke with Lime.

Snack: FRESH out of the oven, one heavenly hot slice of homemade whole wheat bread with melted butter and a touch of honey!  Sugar free Peach flavored tea.

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