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Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 38, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

Psalms 86:11 & 12. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.
I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.

WEEK 38! WOW! I have lost one more pound and I'm so happy! I have been walking and exercising more! WHEW! Walking is my biggest Cardio exercise and kettlebells, dumbbells and stretching are second. I just haven't really liked the toning part, yet...It will happen. [I'm cheering myself on.] My pants are fitting loose and I am happily surprised at my flexibility. I really like being able to touch my toes and breathe at the same time. 

I will succeed! I will lose 62 more pounds. Woo-hoo! Go me! and GO YOU!
See article below...If she can do it, so can I....  
I can do all things because Jesus gives me strength.


Doctor Lost 130 pounds. Here is how she did it.

Ann Davis, 45,
a cardiologist in Naperville, IL,
 lost 130 pounds!
I was overwhelmed at the idea of cooking and planning meals with my unpredictable schedule… I walked on the treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes, and then my personal trainer showed me how to do a few exercises with small weights. After four months, I had lost 50 pounds. I focused on eating small, frequent meals throughout the day, made up of complex carbs, protein and fats (like a whole-grain English muffin with turkey and avocado slices for lunch). I started working out on my own, too. Change is hard, and at first there were days when I would struggle, but habits really do become easier the longer you do them (and dropping sizes is a great motivator to keep going). I began jogging for short bouts, and as my running sessions got longer, I signed up for and ran a 5K. This past fall I even ran the Chicago Marathon!
Click here to see the full article at Yahoo! Health.

Exercise is good for your hearts…both of them…the physical one that beats in your chest and the spiritual one that holds all your love for God and others. On this Made to Crave journey toward lasting changes, overcoming resistance and excuses related to exercise is a critical challenge. But we’re nearing the end of three weeks and you’re probably eater for a challenge, right? Excellent! It’s time to give those hearts of yours a God-honoring workout. [Made to Crave Participant’s Guide, p.75]

Start Small and Exercise!

1.    Get out and walk. Take any opportunity to walk: park your car at the end of the grocery store parking lot instead of at the front, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk your dog for 20 minutes, walk the perimeter of the superstore, walk in place while you watch your favorite television show, walk for 15 minutes after each meal.
2.    Grab a set of 2 lb. dumbbells and workout at your desk, or while you are sitting watching television. Maybe swing your arms while your are walking.
3.    Resistance bands. Add some resistance to your exercise and tone up muscles.
4.    Kettlebell is sometimes better than dumbbells and come in a variety of weights. Two for one deal on the exercise because they add cardio to the toning exercises.
5.    Stability Balls are fun. Great way to do sit-ups and tone up back, stomach, legs and arms. Use it to sit on while you are at your desk, it helps to build your core muscles.
6.    Exercise mat will allow you to stretch comfortably, cushion your body during floor exercises, and prevent slipping while lifting weights. Plus, they can roll up out of the way for storage if your space is limited.
Workout DVDs are great no matter what your goals. There are many workouts made specifically for beginners and those of us on a limited budget and just want to have privacy.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff! (as usual!) The list section messed up again (just FYI)


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