Psalm 119: 174 & 175 LORD, I want you to save me. Your teachings make me happy. Let me live to praise you. Let me find the help I need in your laws
Today was a great day. I did have the munchies this evening and I really wanted to eat a container of Pringles. I got up and exercised with the dumbbells, instead. After a few minutes the urge was gone and I was focusing on counting reps and not chips. WHEW!
Upper body workout with the dumbbells. My legs are very, very sore!!!!
Commitment: The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action
Are you committed to your new healthy eating lifestyle? The definition of commitment says that it is a state of being emotionally or intellectually bound to a course of action. Which are you committed to? Bad food choices or Good food choices?
Successful Healthy Eating Lifestyle Tips:
- Keep a food journal. I cannot express the importance of this action. It is easy to forget the small things you eat. Each little tidbit of food counts! Don't dismiss the "just one bite" or "a small taste" of any food. You'll be surprised at how the calories will mount up. It doesn't have to be a HUGE journal. They even have a app for your phone to help you with your journaling. iphone or android
- Select a program that meets your lifestyle and one that you like. You will have more success if you like the program. Don't just join Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig just to join. Check out the program first before you purchase. There are a lot of FREE sites out there that are excellent and you won't have to pay any membership dues. They have support and encouragement.
- Perimeter Grocery Shopping: Limit your food purchases at the grocery store to the perimeter only. Avoid going to the center of the grocery store for your food purchases. If you will notice, only the fresh ingredients are at the edges of the store. Fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, dairy, and bakery (which the bakery should really be avoided). The center aisles are filled with all the processed foods.
- You have to commit (make the mental and emotional decision) to eat healthier. If you only halfway try...then you will fail at the first sign of temptation or struggle.
- Clean out your pantry. Don't purchase foods that will tempt you to cheat. Clean out your refrigerator and pantry to rid your house of unhealthy foods. (Sometimes this is not an option if you have a family that is not eating your plan.)
- Get an accountability partner. Someone that you trust and respect to help you stay on track and encourage you to make the right choices.
- Focus on God and not food. I believe that you have to put GOD into your diet. Read and study the Bible, every day, so that you can draw on the power of the Word to help be successful. This will also give you strength as you focus on God and not food. A temptation only last about 15 seconds so you can easily quote a scripture verse from memory in that amount of time, and before you know it, the temptation is over.
- You have to exercise. Diet without exercise will not work. Sure you will cut calories but you will also lose muscle without strength training. You also need to get out and walk to increase your metabolism and burn off stored fat. It is also a great heart exercise, too.
- Weigh yourself only once a week. The scales don't give you an accurate picture. They cannot tell you if you had too much salt or if you are holding water due to your menstrual cycle. It cannot tell you if you are gaining because you added muscle from strength training. Really, you will be able to see the difference in so many different ways. In the fit of your clothes, in renewed energy, in your flexibility, in your skin color and much, much more.
Excellent instruction and guidance!