For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)
I had the privilege of dining with my Valentine partner tonight. He is and has been my sweetheart for the last 31 years. HE is my best friend and I love him so! All of our children have grown up to adulthood which gives us quality alone, quiet time together. We have really enjoyed this part of our marriage...
Two are Better than One Wondering how working out as a couple is possible...guys like pumping iron and running. Girls like toning and how do you get guys and gals to workout together? Here are a few ideas…give them a try!
- Sign up for a dance class. What better way to re-spark your love and romance for each other than to take a dance class. It is not only a great cardio workout but it also strengthens your core muscles. IT also forces you to look in each other’s eyes…up close and personal.
- Strength training…Take turns as the spotter. One can do the weights and the other can assist and watch for good form.
- Go outside and enjoy! Create a more active lifestyle together by picking up new hobbies. While these may not always count as traditional cardio or strength training, every bit of activity you do will benefit your body and your health. Hiking, canoeing, tossing a football, recreational cycling, rafting, camping, and just enjoying a nice, leisurely walk at the end of the day—all of these beat an evening in front of the TV. [Ideas from}

Exercising together is:
- Safe: You have your big strong hunk of a man there to protect you. Plus you can watch out for each other’s form.
- Conversation Starter: This is a great time to just talk about each other, not a time to fix problems. Just enjoy each other’s company. Use this time to get reacquainted with your sweetheart!
- Share a New Common Interest: This adds another dimension to your marriage. You now have something that you both like to do. You can encourage and hold the other mate accountable.
- Exhibits Consideration and Love. Taking care of your body and your health shows your mate that you care enough about him that you want to be your best for him—that it matters what he thinks about your physical appearance, and that you want to be around for years to come.

I love you so!! We've grown so close together and God has helped us lean how to work with each other to be even closer!! It's just wonderful!!