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Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 38, Monday, Diet with Dianna

2 Corinthians 3: 16-18. But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.

Resist and Succeed!

We are made to crave God and not food. As you fight the good fight of faith today, remember this: Your mind is where the battle will take place. Whatever you allow to captivate your mind, like food, alcohol, drugs, sex, fear, worry or whatever it is. Will you let it rule your life?

The decision is yours.

God has given you a free ticket to success; He has promised that He will always cause you to be triumphant in Christ. You are guaranteed victory over any cravings that you may have today. Decide, once and for all, right now, to be believe God’s promises and you'll succeed!

If you replace those cravings with the Word and let it take over, then you can resist the devil when he comes to plant doubts within you. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says "We live in this world, but we don’t fight our battles in the same way the world does. The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ."

Decide right now that you will not succumb to unhealthy food temptations. Dig your heels in and stand immovable upon the promises of God. Refuse to surrender to the pressures to eat the wrong foods that Satan brings your way.

When thoughts come that are opposite to God's will, cast them down. And above all, don't meditate on the objects of your cravings because those thoughts are from Satan. When you recognize you are focusing on the tempting unhealthy food, stop it immediately. Replace those cravings with the Word.
Be confident because Satan will repetitively whisper doubts in your ear and tell you that your situation is hopeless. He will doggedly tout failure, doubt, and discouragement. But if you won't permit him to sell you his lies, it is Satan that fails and not you! Don’t buy into his lies, he can't cause them to come to pass in your life, only you can do that and of your own free will.

Today, you will succeed because the Word says that, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13


I had a really tough moment this morning! I slept late and got up hungry. I wanted to just walk into the kitchen and get my cup of coffee and something to eat. I walked to the fridge that there on the shelf, at eye level were leftover cinnamon rolls and orange rolls, already cooked, just waiting for me to snatch them up and wolf them down with my coffee! The looked so sweet and decadent.  BUT....WAIT...I could resist the easy temptation and take the time to get out all the ingredients for a healthy breakfast and make it myself. I was tired and didn't feel like cooking! I knew that if I ate the gooey, sweet cinnamon rolls that I later on I would have guilt and feeling of failure. All I had to do was resist the temptation. "GOD HELP ME HERE, I have to make the right choice." 

Boy was it a tough choice. I didn't want to cook! I didn't want to clean up! I didn't want to wait!!! I wanted something ready and easy and I wanted it NOW! AHHHHHH! I really had to pray off the laziness, the easy way out, and the smells from the unhealthy choice that was sitting in front of me...I closed my eyes and prayed. My hand reached out and hovered over the cinnamon rolls...then...I reached up to the top shelf and put my hands on the carton of eggs. I had to do the right thing.

So, not happily and with deep resolve, I got out all the ingredients for a healthy breakfast, the pans, and cooking utensils. I took the time and energy to make my breakfast. I asked the Lord for His blessings on my food and I ate it. It was delicious! AWESOME! After I was finished and had cleaned the kitchen, I felt a since of energy from within. I felt a strength that resonated through my body that bolstered my energy and determination to succeed at making healthy choices! God was rewarding me with content, happy, satisfied feelings! Praise God. I WIN!

1 comment:

  1. YES! It's so hard to resist those temptations! But you, through the power of the Holy Spirit, did it! Whoo-hoo!!


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