Today, I made breakfast for everyone. It's the only normal meal we had all day. Lunch was "everyone for themselves". I wasn't hungry and there wasn't anything really that I could eat that was leftovers, except the breakfast leftovers. The others had pizza from the other night. I have been so busy that I have not had time to go to the grocery and shop. It's tough being the only person with weight management issues. My entire immediate family is trim and healthy. I cannot trouble them to be careful around me, since I am the one with the problem. IT wouldn't be fair. They don't understand the struggles I have. I wouldn't want them too.
They don't understand the temptations or the way I feel. I am jealous because they can be carefree and not half to worry about sugar and carbs. I feel like an I'm being an imposition because I eat special foods around them. I don't want their sympathy and I hate having to tell them, frequently, "I cannot eat that". I guess I could just say, "No thank you", and not make a big deal about it. I don't want them to feel bad, either.
It's a pain in the rear to remind them that I have to eat every three hours. They are not on the same schedule as me. This has been the most difficult part of my diet. I really hate having to say, "Please let me stop to eat something because I have to eat now". Instead I just skip the meal...even though I am not supposed to do that. I am grateful for the days that I can stay on the eating cycle and I hope for forgiveness on the days I cannot.
Have tougher skin. Don't get offended when others don't have the same issues as yourself. Be kind and don't bring attention to yourself. Just say "no thank you", and don't tell people all the time that you are dieting. Don't give people a list of things you can eat and cannot eat. Just go about your activities as if they were normal. Enjoy the moment and the people. Food is only for survival. Enjoy the people you eat with and be grateful for the food that you can eat. Don't make the people around you uncomfortable or self-conscious. Just be happy.
I made regular waffles for my family and "special diet" waffles for myself. They each turned out delicious. Mine were great and low carb and low sugar!
I don't like scrambled eggs, but I want everyone to be satisfied and happy, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. I made scrambled eggs, I just didn't want to have to cook two different kinds of meals and it takes so much longer. I ate the scrambled because it is so important to have the right balance of every type of food.
Low Carb, High Fiber, Low Sugar Waffles 1/2
Sugar Free Vermont Syrup (1 teaspoonful and whipped cream) 1/0
Bacon 0/0
Eggs 0/0
Breakfast S/C Total: 2/2
No Snack
LATE Lunch/Early Dinner: We stopped around 4:00 p.m. and ate at On The Border.

Chips and Salsa and a few bites of cheese dip with meat and guacamole. I also had several spoonfuls of chicken tortilla soup; careful to only take the chicken and broth. I avoided the rice. I ate the two thin wedges of avocado. YUM.
My husband ordered a margarita and I really enjoy drinking frozen margaritas. I was weak and ordered one too. After the icy, frosty, sweet concoction arrived at the table I took one sip and then stopped. I WILL NOT ruin all my hard efforts by blowing it on a sugar filled drink. I passed it off to the others at my table. Instead I splurged on a diet coke with lime!!!!! It was so tough, but I did it!
Yeah Me!
Meal Total: 3/3
NO Evening Snack...we got home too late and I had some an upsetting situation happen. I missed the window for eating a snack. Blah! The issue was very emotional for me and I have a tendency to eat for comfort under emotional stress. I will try to fight these urges to rid the freezer from the gallon of Blue Bell, Made in the Shade.... *Sigh*.
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