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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 39, Wednesday, Diet with Dianna

Romans 5:3-5. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Today was a great day. I was really hungry after my walk/jog and yard mowing. (Yes, I know it is February, but Yards in Texas still have to be mowed, nearly all year long. Not as often in the winter, though. I ate a salad and OH BOY! was it good.

My parents brought in pizza and it smelled delicious. I really wanted to eat about four slices, but I didn't. I ate my salad and afterward I felt so happy that I didn't give in to my cravings. I kept repeating the verse in the Bible that says, "And endurance develops strength of character...And this hope will not lead to disappointment...The Holy Spirit (God) fills my heart with Love."

I will succeed! God wants me to succeed and I draw on the Holy Spirit for my strength and endurance. I can rejoice because I didn't eat the plate of brownies that appeared in the afternoon. They smelled Heavenly, but I shook my head and left the room. There were so many temptations screaming at me today.

My brilliant husband sent me this quote the other day! He is so supportive and I am going to put this on my Blog Heading!
Temptations are always around but with God's power and grace, they become minor distractions rather than major attractions!

See? Isn't he just the smartest? This is so awesome. I no longer feel these temptations are major attractions. Because I have practiced successfully resisting for so long it has become second nature to refuse to give in. The foods that used to trip me up are now minor distractions. I can walk past them without pausing; I just keep going. I hardly give them any notice at all. I merely wave them off with my hand. This is only possible because I chose to do so!  I draw on God's strength to correct my thinking and change my focus. MY CHOICE! MY DECISION!

Also, for the last week and until Easter, I have given up carbonated beverages. I haven't really missed them at all. I have been drinking more water and teas. Now, last night I went to eat dinner with my husband. We ordered our drinks and ate supper. I didn't even realize that I had ordered a diet coke with a lime wedge. I just ate and drank it up and got a refill and drank that up too! Now, this is my favorite Mexican food restaurant and it was just out of habit that I ordered the diet soda. It wasn't until today that I realized what I had done. Oops & DUH! I won't make that mistake again! Forgiveness and mercy to me! Thank you Lord.


Walk/Jog for 40 minutes: 3 miles. Yeah me!

Weight Loss: I am down another pound! FINALLY!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice words! That sentence just flowed through me, I was merely the typist :-)
    Down another pound!!! Hurrah!


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