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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 40, Sunday, Diet with Dianna

Job 7:1-3 “Is not all human life a struggle? Our lives are like that of a hired hand, like a worker who longs for the shade, like a servant waiting to be paid. 
 I, too, have been assigned months of futility, long and weary nights of misery.

My life is far, far, far from that of Job's in the Bible. Truly, he was in sad, sad shape; spiritually and physically. It was a tragic, tragic story!
I am so blessed to NOT be in his shoes! I am not at all comparing my life to Job's. Thank the Lord--I am NOT living a life like Job's. AMEN!

However, I feel frustrated, and irritated, and angry, and tired of battling this plateau of non-weight loss. I use the words that Job said, 'months of futility, long and weary...waiting on the plateau to end and weight loss to begin, again!

My weight seems to be in a constant 'YO-YO' state, at this point. I am doing so much better. Really, I have nothing to complain about. God has so richly blessed my life. I have health, the love of my best friend-husband, great children, a free country, worshiping God -- my way, and much, much more! I am healed of sickness! I've grown spiritually because I am studying the Word more and looking to the deeper reasons for not craving food but craving God. All things are good! Really, I have no complaints with my life.

I am exercising more, eating right, exercising more...exercising more. I am walking and jogging over 3 miles nearly every day!  

For the last three weeks, I have quit all carbonated beverages and I'm drinking more water...I actually like it, now. I have added some fruit, [emphasis on 'some'] in it's natural state. I don't eat more than a 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of fruit and only then I eat it every other day. I have eaten less carbs, avoiding processed foods, and added fish [which I really do not like most fish].

I stopped the eating every three hours because I just was so full all the time. I felt that that could possibly be the reason I was at a plateau. STILL NO additional weight loss! I don't understand why the weight loss has stalled? I've been so good at watching what I eat; even though temptation is EVERYWHERE! 




  1. Satan is trying to get you to give up. Stand strong and patiently! BTW: We both know this frustration on other levels don't we? But we have to stand strong and be patient. Yuk! Not fun!!! You, in reality, have already won this fight! You won when you gave it to God!

  2. I agree with Wade. Stand strong... it will come!!

    One thing you could do is pull out the old old "Fit For Life" book by the Diamonds. It was supposed to be a detoxing way of eating and a way of combining foods for weight loss. The menus were Fruit in the mornings and then for lunch and dinner you eat either "bread and vegetables", "potato and vegetables", or "meat and vegetables"... not eating of bread, meat, and potatoes at the same meal. I was thinking about doing this for the next 3 weeks until I can get back to exercising. I loss 50 pounds one time eating this way.

    What ever you do... Do Not Give Up!!! You have come toooooooo far. Satan can not have his hand on you!!!


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