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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 36, Monday, Diet with Dianna

Scripture Verse for today:
James 1: 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.

Triumphs in my choices will produce many blessings.
Tips for Successful Weight Loss
  1. Minimize or avoid the following three white foods – salt, sugar and processed flour. Cut back on the sodium and other additives and preservatives, reduce the amount of sugared goods you eat and the amount of sugar you add to your tea and coffee, and stay away from those breads, pastas and cakes that load the fat on to your body and see how easy it is to lose weight and get fit.
  2. Exercise moderately four days a week. You don’t have to go all out and strain yourself; it’s enough even if you walk for an hour or so whenever you find time. If you’re working out for a longer period of time or for more than four days a week, you must rest your aching and sore muscles and joints on at least one day of the week if you want to avoid injuries.
  3. Ensure that you get at least six hours of sleep every night. A sound sleep is your body’s natural healing mechanism and when you deprive yourself of this, you’re not doing your health any favors.

If you don’t have a lot of spending money for exercise equipment, try these things that are probably just lying around your house! Who needs expensive gym equipment or membership fees? Try these crafty ideas for homemade exercise equipment:

  1. Take two large men's tube socks, fill each sock with one or two pounds of beans, or rice, or 1 lb. soup cans. Tie the tops of the socks to each other. Now you have a nice 2 to 4 lb. weight. Use like a kettlebell or dumbbell.
  2. My husband carries around a small computer bag and it weighs about 10 pounds. Because computer bags usually have handles, these can be great for exercises like bicep curls, lateral raises or one-armed rows. Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises like squats, lunges and dead-lifts.
  3. Stairs...if you live in a two story house then you have a built in stair master. During your exercise routine, climb your stairs in sets of three, two times. This should get your heart rate pumping and your leg muscles burning. Be careful!
  4. If you don’t have stairs in your house then you probably have a curb next to the street or a step to enter your house. This is your stair workout: 20—30 reps of stepping up and back down, alternating your feet, for 3 sets of 25 to 40.
  5. Bungee cords. Who doesn't have some of these in their garage or trunk of your car? They make great resistant bands for your work out routines.  Hook them together and then pull and release. 3 sets of 12. They are good for your arms and legs. Double up by using two sets of bungee cords for the leg exercises!

Recipe—Supercharged Cleansing Meal Replacement
If you haven’t been feeling quite like yourself lately, you might try replacing one meal about once a week with a green detox juice drink to get back on track. It is power packed with natural antioxidants and fiber.

If you lack a good juicer, you can use a blender. Vegetables are often hard to digest but the blender does it for you! Plus you get the benefit of extra fiber. Consistency is sometimes a problem, but you can fix that as you become more accustomed to your blender.

If you cannot find fresh kale at your grocer, you may substitute it with either cabbage or collard greens (since they are in the same family). Fresher taste better and older taste bitter. Wash all leaves just prior to blending.

Walnut Apple Green Cleansing Juice
Makes approx. 20 oz.
1 small handful walnuts
1 large seeded green apple
1 stalk celery
½ cucumber, peeled
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
3 medium kale leaves
10 seedless green grapes
Filtered water (until desired consistency)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 35, Day 7, Diet with Dianna

EMPOWER yourself through the word of God.

Prayer for today:
Dear Lord,
Even when I don't understand your ways, I can find joy in Your protection, Your provision, Your ways. I depend on Your strength today to help me to make GREAT healthy choices. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Scripture Verse for today:James 1: 12-15 (NLT) God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. 13 And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.

QUOTE:I crave what I eat. The more I provide my body with healthy foods, the more I crave healthy foods. (Made to Crave - by Lysa Terkeurst)

Tips for Success!

We live in a busy time and we cannot always prepare our meals. Time and Convenience are HUGE factors in our eating habits. Here are a few tips to help you make better choices.

  • If you eat a hamburger, choose the Junior burger. You don’t skimp on flavor, however you are getting a much smaller portion. You can cut the calories in half by choosing smaller portions.
  • DON’T purchase the ‘Value size’ meal. You might be saving money but you are getting EXTRA calories!  
  • Instead, eat the junior size value meal or just order the junior hamburger and ask for extra lettuce, 
  • Skip the mayonnaise and sauces. Mustard is the better choice, OR try using salad dressing: Balsamic Vinaigrette or Italian for your Hamburger. 
  • HEY! SKIP the fries! You don’t need them. Try ordering a small side salad or fruit cup. Most fast food restaurants have some kind of fruit for the kids meals.


  • Get a buddy to walk with you.  It is more fun to walk and talk!
  • Have your spouse or friend drive you out 1 mile from home and walk back. As you become more fit and trim, have your friend drop you off at 2 miles out. Increase it up to 5 miles.
  • Don’t have any weights for strength training? Use 2 cans of  beans, the one pound size cans.  Get two heavy cotton tube socks. Place one can in each sock. Knot the two socks together at the top. Now grip the sock at the knot and lift your way to toner muscles!  HINT: as you progress, the 2 lbs. will become too easy, so add two, 1 lb. cans to each sock and tie the tops of the socks together in a knot.
  • PLANK—this is a very tough exercise but with practice it is a GREAT muscle toner. Follow the link to get the proper way to do this exercise: Plank Demonstration NOTE: the first time I did this exercise I could only do it for 5 seconds. It is hard but with practice you will be able to work up to one minute.

I walked 3.4 miles. (We ate lunch at Cici's Pizza. My eldest son drove us there and after we ate, he drove home, but my husband, myself, and my other two grown kids walked home! WHEW there were a lot of big hills!) It took us a little under an hour to walk it!)
Kettlebells: 30 minutes

Today's Menu:

Slept til 11 a.m. (I didn't go to bed until 3:30 a.m.) Saturday evening is our worship time so I have the great privilege to sleep late on Sunday mornings!)

Lunch: Cici's Pizza

1 egg omelet with turkey, basil, Parmesan cheese. 
a few baby carrots - so sweet and delicious! 
Lemon cookie and coffee!!!! YUM!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 35, Saturday, Diet with Dianna

Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.  [NLT] 1 John  2: 15—17

EAT FRESH FOODS! Avoid processed foods. Eat whole grains and less of the "white" foods. If you eat foods in their more natural state, the better it is for you. Read your labels for hidden chemicals and preservatives.

I read an article from EAT THIS, NOT THAT and it exposes some of the hidden dangers of processed food and preservatives. READ THE ARTICLE HERE.

Now I could live in fear of everything in the world. Instead I choose to eat healthier. I bake, broil, and steam my foods. I avoid highly or over-processed foods. I try to eat foods that are fresh, meats/poultry/fish that are not formed like wieners, cold cuts, chicken nuggets, fried, or formed into shapes.  I eat meats that are simply taken from the source and packaged fresh or flash frozen and without chemicals to preserve them.

Praise God that I don't have to live in fear. I can, however, make better choices, not only in the foods that I eat, but in every area of my life!

CRAVINGS: Yep I had a few cravings but I prayed through my cravings. I put my focus on filling those cravings on God. I was able to resist and not eat emotionally or out of boredom. God is GOOD!

None. Today was a day of rest...all day!

Breakfast sandwich: egg, turkey sausage, cheese on whole wheat toast. Coffee

Turkey Salad from Schlotzsky's  (I ate a very small portion. The bowl looked like it was an entire head of lettuce and could have fed 3 people!)

Dinner: NONE but snacked on a few garlic bagel thins and some laughing cow cheese.

I had a cafe' latte from church. Sugar free made with soy milk. It was very delicious!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 35, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

"Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food."  Romans 14:20a (NIV)

Tonight was the first night for a new Bible study group that I am leading. Whoo-hoo! Five, beautiful women came and it was awesome. We are studying, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.  I am so encouraged and excited to have this opportunity. I know that we all will grow spiritually and benefit physically from this study.

Here is an excerpt from Lysa's book and Bible Study series:


... no diet would have ever been permanently successful until I got to the real root of my problem.
The root of my issue was craving food more than God. I desired and depended on the instant high of physical gratification because I hadn’t learned how to let God satisfy my deepest needs.  This realization became a call to action...
... Old thought patterns:
“I need these chips.  I deserve this ice cream.  I must have that extra large portion."
New thought patterns:
Chips will only taste good for the moment.  But the calories are empty and will do nothing good for my body.  2 Corinthians 7:1 reminds me, “…Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit… out of reverence for God.”


I did not blog on Wednesday. All day Tuesday and Tuesday night we had a lot of rain; about 5.5 inches. "Well, the rain came down and the floods came up, but the house on the rock stood firm."  Wednesday morning I woke up and walked into the office, *splash, splash*, oh! no!. The water and seeped into the house in our office and my son's room. The carpets were very, very wet, cold, and squishy. I spent most of the day vacuuming with the wet/dry vac, putting down mildewstat and turning on fans. There was a lot of furniture moving... and....well you get the picture.  I was just too tired to blog last night. I got plenty of physical exercise...but not the kind I prefer.

I am so grateful that God protected us and that it was only water that entered the house. I am so grateful that it was only heavy rains and not damaging thunderstorms or worse. God is good! I am grateful that I was able to do the cleaning and that all is dry and back to normal tonight! Praise God!

Yep! walked briskly 1.5 miles
Kettlebells while I watched a movie, "This Side of Heaven".

Today's Menu:
Small bowl of oats with blueberries, a blueberry sugar free whole wheat muffin and coffee.

Turkey patty, small bowl of mixed green lettuce, and tea

Steamed homestyle meatballs, steamed broccoli, and mashed potatoes

carrots, tomatoes, cheese squares and a few Pretzel Crisps and coffee (with my Bible study group!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week 35, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

 2 Thessalonians 2: 10 & 11 He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies.

Who's to Blame? The blame game!

I remembered a quote in one of my favorite animated movies, Meet the Robinson's.
Hmm, let's see... take responsibility for my own life or blame you? Dingdingdingdingding! Blame you wins hands down!   
I read an article today from a health website that puts blame for obesity on nearly everything except the real reason. The article blames so many different people and organizations for the sad state of obesity that Americans are in.  It is much easier to blame someone else than go to the heart of the real reasons being an overweight society. In this particular article it blames: television, the food industry, schools, parents, movies, and many more.

Sadly, the true reason most people are fat is a lack of self control. Hey, let's blame someone else and then take a pill? Duh! Satan wants us to all be deceived. He doesn't want us to be healthy. He doesn't want us to use self control. It's evident that the world has jumped on the blame game band wagon so they don't have to work at losing weight. Blame someone else, attach some medical term to it and WHAM-O, you have a pharmaceutical company making a "miracle" weight loss pill.

The diet and pharmaceutical industries are about the only ones, in this burdened economy, that are making money.  It's true. And to make matter worse, even the doctors and surgeons have joined the club. If you have enough money you can have an adjustable band put around the opening to the stomach to prevent overeating. Sadly, the overweight person hasn't learned the core reasons for overeating and living a sedentary lifestyle, but instead has chosen to have radical surgery, which fails to help the person lose weight after only 6 months to a year. WHY? because the quick fixes do not get to the core of the problem. It is much easier to let someone else fix it than to take responsibility and change your lifestyle.

So let's stop blaming the world for YOUR overeating problem. The good food is out there, you just have to make the RIGHT choices. You must get up and get your heart rate pumping and workout your muscles. Only you can make that decision. TAKE responsibility for your own mistakes. Make a change in your eating lifestyle. Be accountable for your actions and grab an accountability partner. It also won't hurt to spend time in the Word of God by filling those cravings for food with praise and worship to Him.


Walked the mall (raining and cold outside)

No breakfast - slept too late.
Meat, beans, cheese, guacamole and a few corn chips, diet cola
Dinner: Three chicken tenders.

Snack: Cheese popcorn and a Chai Tea Latte (sugar free).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 35, Monday, Diet with Dianna

Philippians 2:3–4 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

My blog is not only for myself, but also to encourage others to enjoy life by eating a healthier lifestyle. I also want to share with you the importance of adding into your daily routine some type of physical exercise and alternating strength regimen. I have been blogging now for thirty-five weeks and sharing with you my ups and downs of my new healthier lifestyle. You can have something similar, too!

At first my new healthier lifestyle was THE hardest thing I had ever done. Now, it is nearly second nature. SURE, there are days where I am tempted, REALLY TEMPTED, but with each battle won, I am more resistant to future temptations... sort of like getting vaccinated. I am now more immune to the temptations of all the foods I have given up. Not just eating less, but changing the types of food that I put into my mouth.

You may say that I'm missing out on sweets, alcohol, cookies, breads, rich sauces, and more...NOPE, I'm not missing out on anything except a shorter life, type two diabetes, high blood pressure, neuropathy, heart disease, and just plain poor, sick health. I have a better quality of life now. I feel better than I have felt since I was thirty years old. I have tremendous energy, better looking skin and hair, a renewed youth...all from changing my poor eating habits into a healthier eating  and exercising lifestyle. It is my choice! I can do it! I will do it!
As usual, my day was hectically busy. I drove my husband to meet up with a business partner and they left for a three day business trip. My youngest son and I went and worked on the final processes of his new book, then ran a few more errands. We finally got home around 5:30 p.m. I had some follow up work to do on the computer, finish up my Bible study, and then fold some laundry. I didn't make time to walk, but I did get in about 30 minutes of kettlebells. I also ate well, today. Breakfast with my family, lunch with one of my sons, and  dinner all to myself and a snack with my daughter.  Today was an excellent day!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 35, Sunday, Diet with Dianna

2 Corinthians 6:8We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. We are honest, but they call us impostors.

This is an article that came in my mailbox, today. This is a worldly view of serving or pleasing others. Contrary to the Holy Bible it says:
The dangers of people pleasing
No matter how hard you try, no matter how many hours you spend pondering and planning, and regardless of how hard you try, you absolutely cannot please everyone. It is impossible. So do yourself a favor and stop now, before you drive yourself farther toward insanity. There are many drawbacks to being a people-pleaser. A big one is that you often put yourself in a position of subservience. Sometimes you even put yourself last, which helps no one. Remember that helping yourself and doing what you feel is important should be valued. Find worth in your own opinions and viewpoint, and don't let your desire to please others compel you to keep yourself in the background. Falling short of perfection only proves that you are a normal human being.
WRONG! It is true that the world won't see that pleasing others will be easy. Jesus was a perfect example of serving and pleasing, but he was ridiculed and even put to death by being a servant and doing good for others! Pleasing is different than serving. Pleasing is trying to make someone happy. Serving is to do for others, no matter what they think or say. We don't do it to get praise for ourselves, but to bring glory to the Lord. The joy of the Lord is your strength. We do it because God, himself came to earth in Jesus to serve us. True you won't be able to make everyone happy, but that is not our job to make others happy. Happiness can only come from within. Instead, it is our job to serve others with a good attitude and reflect the Love of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit in everything we do.

Jesus always put others first, but he too spent time in rest for himself. He had a perfect balance of serving and resting: Mark 6:31 Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” So, don't be a 'Martha' and lose sight of what is important, but be balanced in serving and taking time for yourself. Do Not let the pendulum swing too far in the opposite direction. Don't become self absorbed and selfish. Be pleasing and kind, serving others with a grateful heart. Spend time in the Word, rejoice, and praise the Lord because that is where TRUE happiness comes from, not from the praise of others. 

Walked about 2.5 miles

Egg, toast, turkey bacon, coffee

Mixed baby lettuce salad, Balsamic dressing, Fiber One 50 calorie yogurt (blueberry)

Egg burrito. Coffee

Homemade vanilla cookie and diet coke.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 34, Saturday, Diet with Dianna

Genesis 2:3, And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation. 
Exodus 20:10, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the LORD your God. On that day no one in your household may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you.

Rest is good! Take time to rest and recover from a good hard week. Even rest from exercising. Give your muscles, ligaments, and bones a time to rest. Don't wear yourself down by overdoing. If you have exercised 5 or 6 days a week, just rest! Even the Lord God Almighty rested and he requested that His people rest, too.

Lazy day! I enjoyed my whole day of just lazing around. My daughter and I did manicures and pedicures and watched a BBC America show "Sherlock". WOW, it is now my most favorite show. So smart. I had to watch the first one twice in the first season just to catch the things I missed. BETTER than the movies with Morton Downey Jr.  My daughter and I had a movie festival along with our pampering. So fun.

Later in the day we went to praise and worship service. AWESOME!!!!!!!! Pastor Robert Morris is so anointed with the Holy Spirit. There is no way a human can be that smart; it had to come from the Lord Himself.  After worship service we had coffee at the church cafe, which is bigger than most Starbuck's and way better and way cheaper. I only wish that I lived closer so I could go there instead of the other place.

Nope...just did my Bible study and rested.

Today's Menu:

Egg, turkey bacon, two biscuits....yes I ate two biscuits!

Small mixed baby green salad with grape tomatoes, Gorgonzola cheese, shredded carrots and mixed nuts with cranberries and Newman's Own Family Italian dressing. OH! and a half a turkey and sharp cheddar cheese sandwich on homemade whole wheat bread with basil pesto.

No dinner and no snacks...just a vanilla late - sugar free with no sugar soy. Hmmm!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 34, Thursday & Friday, Diet with Dianna

Food for Thought! Give your cravings to God. Fill the hurt, sadness, longing, emptiness and boredom with the word of God. Rejoice in the Lord, for he is your strength. True happiness is a choice and it can only come from loving and praising the Lord!!!! Everything else is just icing on the cake. 

Well, I totally did not take the time, in my busy schedule, to post for Thursday. It was hectic. Today was a better, much slower paced day. Whew!
Slept until 9:30 a.m.  I needed the sleep. Ate a leisurely breakfast of oats with blueberries and a cup of coffee.
My grown kids and I went to the bank, car wash and then ate some lunch. I had two small thin crust pizza slices and a Italian salad. Yum! I like the thin crust because I don't really enjoy the breading, but the sauce, cheese and toppings.
Later, we took my eldest son's car to have an electronic remote starter installed on the car, so we ate dinner at B.J.'s while waiting.

Today was just "Spring like" so we took a good long walk. I also helped shine and polish the inside of my youngest son's Trooper. He's going on an date, tonight, and he wanted his truck to look and smell good...just like him. :D

Walked about 2 miles
Kettle bell
Stretching and muscle toning.

Small, about 1/2 cup of oats with blueberries and coffee

Pizza and salad, diet coke.

Grilled Tilapia - Cajun style, mixed salad with oil and vinegar. YUM!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week 34, Wednesday, Diet with Dianna

Do I really need to pray and read my Bible everyday?  Oh, grumbling isn’t so bad… I mean everyone finds something to complain about.I push against the boundary.  Sometimes I even break through it.  But what’s waiting on the other side isn’t freedom.
Prayer: Oh Lord, let my wild heart always remember…
Your instructions, Your boundaries, aren’t cruel barriers to keep me from freedom.  They are protective restrictions meant to define where safe freedom can be found. ~Lysa TerKeurst
Psalm 31:19, How abundant are the good things
   That you have stored up for those who fear you,
That you bestow in the sight of all,
   on those who take refuge in you

Great day! I got to volunteer in the church offices today. I got to use my creative side and make some posters for an upcoming women's event. Next, I was off to eat lunch with my hubby. I really do enjoy our time together. We get along so well and have great conversations...well, I do most of the conversing and he does most of the listening. Thanks, Sweetie!

Tonight I did not want to get out in the cold and walk...nor did I want to walk at night by myself...what did you do Dianna?  Well, I jogged in the house. I ran from the living room into the dining room, around the huge dining room table, into the kitchen, back through the dining room, down the hallway, and back into the living room. I did this for 20 minutes. Then I did some stretches and leg exercises and some kettlebell arm exercises.  Thanks to my good friend, Wendy, I have also been attempting to do the "plank" and I am sorry to say, not very well. I'm not a quitter and I will work on it until I am a plank guru!

Yep! It felt great!!!!!

Today's Menu:
One slice of homemade whole wheat bread with light cheese and turkey sausage (a quick, on the go, sandwich) and cup of coffee.

Snack: a few grapes, two strawberries and one Cutie mandarin orange.

Southwest salad from McAllister's  (entirely too big so I ate all the chicken, cran-raisins, and toasted almonds), and a glass of tea with lemon.

Left over beef taco and a few corn chips.

handful of mixed nuts: cashews, almonds, and pecans.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 34, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

I'm in a holding pattern! No loss, no gain! AHHH! I've had enough! Today, I kicked it up a notch. Better food choices and food portions, and more intense and focused exercise!  It was too cold outside for me to walk...that didn't stop me from exercising. Nope!  Tonight, I marched quickly in place, lifting my knees up high, swinging my arms. Boy, that got my heart rate up. I did this for 30 minutes. Then I did muscle stretching and kettlebell for 30 minutes.  Whew! I'm not going to use excuses for not losing more weight.

Temptations are everywhere! I will not be tempted beyond what I can resist. I will not fail. Call on the name of the Lord and he will provide my escape. Put my focus on the Lord and not food! I'm not going to let old habits creep back in. I am a success! Go Me!


Today's Menu:
Egg, Turkey sausage, toast, coffee (made with the loving hands of my beautiful daughter).

Beef taco and diet coke

Jason's deli salad. (I did not fill up the bowl...I took a small amount of lettuce, even though I was tempted to pile it on,) and cup of coffee.

Sugar Free chocolate pudding cup.

Week 34, Monday, Diet with Dianna

Proverbs 1:1-7: These are the wise sayings of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:  They show you how to know wisdom and teaching, to find the words of understanding. They help you learn about the ways of wisdom and what is right and fair. They give wisdom to the child-like, and much learning and wisdom to those who are young. A wise man will hear and grow in learning. A man of understanding will become able to understand a saying and a picture-story, the words of the wise and what they mean. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of much learning. Fools hate wisdom and teaching.

Monday! Great day! Busy Day! I spent the day helping my sister with her website and then going to the doctor with my son. He has been fighting off severe allergies and finally had to go to the doctor for some heavy duty medication. He is on the road to recovery! I know he will be feeling better by tomorrow!

I didn't get to do all that I planned but I did get to help others and that is very rewarding.


Yes! I enjoyed a long brisk walk with my husband and son!

Today's menu:
Toast, egg, turkey sausage, coffee

Apple and a few thin pretzels

Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich (I discarded the bread.), a few fries
When I got home several hours later I ate some Mixed Baby Lettuce with Gorgonzola cheese and a few mixed nuts and oil and vinegar dressing.

Snack: Single serving Sugar Free Pudding cup and coffee.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 33, Sunday, Diet with Dianna

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the LORD       Shall renew their strength;       They shall mount up with wings like eagles,       They shall run and not be weary,       They shall walk and not faint. NKJV

Well, I really didn't know if kettlebelling was working, but today it paid off BIG! I did some necessary plumping work and replaced the kitchen faucet. All the men in the house were not available so that required me to have to do it to help them out. So, I put on my work clothes and got busy. First I had to wedge myself into a very small place under the kitchen sink, on my back. First amazing feat; I was able to get under the sink! Next amazing feat; I had to use my tones up muscles to hold up my arms for a long period of time and twist off some old rusted out fittings. AMAZINGLY, I did it! I got the fittings to turn and my arms did it without getting fatigued. GRRRR. Last amazing feat; I had to hold up my butt off the floor, about six inches, to straighten my back. I did this for about 10 minutes and I didn't even feel a burn in my legs. OMG!

I am still reeling from knowing that my smaller, more fit body  was able to squeeze under the sink!" This is such a milestone and surprise. I am smaller! Shocker. I put myself in a tight place and found it to be...not so tight.  Also, my leg and arm muscles performed in an extraordinarily well. Exercising has paid off!
Not only did I do plumbing repair, I also baked cookies, homemade rolls and two loaves of homemade bread! My energy and stamina are WAY UP THERE! I like this feeling. Go me!

Tomorrow, I'm going to exercise with more robust enthusiasm. *Grinning*.

I have to say that if I had not began to go deeper with God and renew my relationship with the Lord and go deeper in my Bible study, over a year ago, I would not be blogging now about these amazing things! Truly, waiting (twisting  or binding together) on the Lord has renewed my strength.

Biscuit topped with fruit and a cup of coffee (6:30 a.m.) I ate with my daughter before she left for work and my husband who was volunteering at church running camera. I went to bed after they left and slept until 10 a.m. :D

A few left over Cajun fries.

Left over chicken tenders.

Sugar Free pudding cup and some sugar free hot cocoa.

THIS WAS NOT A GREAT DAY FOR EATING WELL BALANCED! What I did eat, I only ate a very small amount!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 33, Saturday, Diet with Dianna

Proverbs 25:16 Do you like honey?       Don’t eat too much, or it will make you sick!

Church night! Praise and worship! So blessed! Tonight, I was privileged to hear a guest speaker, Sameh Maurice, (He is the Pastor of the largest Evangelical Church in the Middle East, Kasr El Dobara, with 7,000 members). He spoke on prayer and OH BOY was it good. It was extremely interesting to hear him speak about Moses and Egypt. His accent was unique and I liked the way he said "Amalekites" or "Moses" in his native tongue.

After church my family stopped to eat at a newly opened restaurant. They serve chicken tenders, slaw, toast, & fries. Their spicy dipping sauce is super good. Unfortunately, I talked and laughed AND...I ate too much. AHHHHH! my stomach was a very unhappy camper. It is simply shocking how easy it is to overeat and how quickly I fell back into old routines of shoveling food into my pie hole. Eeek!

Memo to me: Pay attention to what you are eating. Eat slower, even if you are hungry. No regrets later.

Enough said! Forgiveness, knowledge and Alka-Seltzer are mine.

Yep, walked about 2 miles! BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS DAY! AWESOME!

Egg, hasbrowns, biscuit with fruit, coffee.
Baby mixed greens with Gorgonzola cheese, nuts, raisins, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and oil & vinegar dressing! *Angels could be heard singing, it was so good.*
TOO many pieces of chicken tenders, half piece of toast, fries (only a few).

Week 33, Friday, Diet with Dianna

Proverbs 16:3 (NIV 1984) "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." 

Whoo-Hoo! Crazy-busy day! Too much to write it all down, but it was a good one! God is so good!  I did eat well but I did not squeeze in any exercise -- NONE! The weekend looks like a bust for exercise, too! We have unexpected guests, but welcomed wholeheartedly! Tomorrow I'm cooking waffles! Yum!
I did make time for my Bible study, though! That is vital!

No Exercise.

Dear Lord, it never seems like there are enough hours in the day to do everything. Help me discern the difference between what's important and what's unimportant and set my priorities in a way that is pleasing to You. I pray for discipline and motivation to get started each and every today. In Jesus' Name, Amen. (Melissa Taylor - Proverbs 31 Ministries)

Toast and a small bowl of oats, coffee.

A few fries from Five Guys.

Mexican Food: Taco and a small bowl of chips and salsa.  Diet Coke with a wedge of lime.

Sugar Free Hot Chocolate!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 33, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

Matthew 19: 23 & 24, Then Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is very hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I’ll say it again—it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”
This parable is talking about trusting in money and not God. When Jesus was speaking this parable about a certain rich young man, he was referring to all of his possessions taking priority over God. Now, If I were to take creative license with this verse and change it up a bit I could remove "sell all your possessions" and replace it with: "...if you give up your love of food". 
Really, if you look closer you can see that just about any thing could be put here. If there is anything in your life that takes precedence over the Lord, it can be put in the blank.

The Bible says in Matthew 6:21 & 24: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (verse 24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (the trust of wealth).

No, Jesus wasn't talking about food, but in my Spirit, I recognized that I could replace the words 'all your possessions' and put 'food' in its place.  I have been guilty of trusting in food for: comfort, pleasure, peace, happiness, and joy. When experiencing those things, I should have turned to God for fulfillment and not eating food. Upon further inspection, all these words  describe God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit.
  • Psalm 62:7 In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. 
  • I John 4:8, God is love
  • II Corinthians 1:4...comforts me in tribulation.
  • Nehemiah 8:10...the joy of the Lord is my strength.
  • Psalm 23...he comforts me.
Basically, I've always made eating food a priority. When eating breakfast I was planning my lunch and dinner. I was indulging in whatever brought my taste-buds pleasure. When I was sad, I ate.  When I was angry, I ate and cleaned. When I was celebrating, I ate and ate.  For as long as I can remember, food has been a top priority of my daily life. Even as a young girl, my folks and grandparents put a lot of emphasis on food! They were all overweight. 

Eating should be pleasurable, but not filling the emptiness, boredom, loneliness, sadness, anger or taming stress in my life. I can enjoy the taste of food. I can enjoy the filling qualities of food. I can enjoy the preparation of food, however, I will not use it as comfort to satisfy my emotions. Instead, I give up any empty, destructive idols to God. I will eat to live, not live to eat. I will make better choices and resist temptation to overeat. My body is the Holy temple of the Lord.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week 33, Wednesday, Diet with Dianna

Psalm 139: 17 & 18 
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
      They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
      they outnumber the grains of sand!
   And when I wake up,
      you are still with me!

Wednesday is my volunteer day in the church office. I enjoy the office work and being able to serve in a helpful manner. The people are so kind, friendly and grateful. Around noon I met my sweet husband for lunch. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. We talked and laughed.  I dropped him off about a a mile from his work because he wanted to get some exercise. He is a great example and encouragement to me.

When I arrived home I went for a walk. Even though it was cool, the sun was bright and halfway through my walk I was shedding the jacket. I felt so good when I got home. Last night I did some kettlebelling.

Let me say, sometimes I have a spirit of laziness and unwillingness come over me. Even though I know it would be best for me to get up and exercise, I just sit there procrastinate. Sometimes I put it off so long that I just rationalize that it would be best to wait until tomorrow, but I am so wrong and so deceived. You know that Satan does not want me to be a success. He doesn't want me to desire Godliness and health. He doesn't want me to exercise and get fit and trim. Why?  Praise and honor are the Lord's and in my health and fitness, I will bring praise and Glory to God. So, Satan is putting lazy thoughts, and tired thoughts, and procrastinating arguments in my head. I will not let Satan win! I have victory over laziness and procrastination! God's thoughts and will for me is to be saved, healthy, happy, successful, prosperous and much, much more!

Tonight, even though I didn't want to exercise, I did! Afterwards I felt a since of renewed strength. I felt better; tired, but better! Why wouldn't I want to feel better? Why wouldn't I want to look better? So the next time you are making excuses not to exercise, remember that those feelings are not from God! Those are thoughts of defeat, failure, and lies from Satan. He delights in my failure. Instead, call upon the name of the Lord for your strength. Pull yourself up and get moving!

Walked 1.5 mi
Kettlebell - half hour

Today's Menu:
Little Cutie Mandarin Orange and a few apple wedges; coffee.

Jason's Deli Salad, two mini gingerbread muffins and diet Coke Zero.

Left over veggies and a slice of whole wheat toast; Hot peach tea.

A few pretzel crisps and a cup of coffee.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 33, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

I Thessalonians 5:16 - 18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Whew! Busy Day. I enjoy staying active, but not when I don't make time to exercise. DUH!
I did, however, make time for my Bible Devotional this morning!
Too cold and wet to really get out and walk...If I weren't such a baby about the cold and wet! Especially since I am still recovering from upper respiratory allergies. Boo-hoo!
Tonight was Bible Study group. So awesome to gather with friends and study God's Word!

Today's Menu:
Small bowl of oats with blueberries. Coffee

A single serving container of Sugar Free Lime Gelatin and a few pretzel crisps.

Veggie plate from Cheddar's. DEE-LISH-OUS! I do so enjoy vegetables!  Broccoli, carrots, green beans, corn. I didn't even touch the potato soup...took it home for my eldest son's lunch tomorrow. :D

Sugar Free Hot Cocoa and a few corn chips.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week 33, Monday, Diet with Dianna

Today was packed full of fun! I started off my day with my Bible study and then a delicious breakfast. I was blessed to share breakfast with my youngest son and only daughter. We had some good conversation and good food!
Next, I started on my Monday house chores, and a couple of hours later, finished. Whew, you can really work up a sweat mopping, sweeping, vacuuming, cleaning the bathtub, laundry, and changing the bed sheets.  I was sweating like a professional basketball player!
After a much needed and deserved shower, I dressed for my day. I made a batch of chocolate brownie cookies for the family and did some computer work. Later in the afternoon, I did a favor for my middle sister and that took up all of the evening hours. She bought my dinner at Olive Garden! Great soup and salad!
 I got home around 10 p.m. and ate a cookie and drank some hot sugar free apple cider and watched Castle.

No exercise...couldn't fit it in my schedule...shoulda, woulda, coulda...
Forgot to weigh...will do it tomorrow...oh, well.

Today's Menu:
One egg, toast, bacon, oats, coffee

Turkey, cheese, and spinach wrap, small bowl of chili and some hot tea.

Olive Garden Salad, soup, and one breadstick, tea with lemon.

Chocolate cookie and hot sugar free Apple cider

Headed to bed at 2:06 a.m.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 32, Sunday, Diet with Dianna

Romans 5:1-3 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.
I slept in this morning. Around 9:30 a.m. my beautiful, talented daughter woke me up to coffee and breakfast. Ah! It was a great treat and nice surprise. She cooked me an egg, turkey sausage, and a whole wheat waffle.  Dee-Lish! Thanks Britt!

I spent the rest of the morning in my room. First I finished up my devotional. (No church on Sunday because we go on Saturday nights! I get to sleep late two times on the weekends!) Then the family wanted to go for a long walk. I threw on some clothes and we walked, with the dogs, on our usual trek. It felt great to walk and talk without breathing hard or gasping for air. I like losing weight.

Next, I read some emails, and read some news. Around 1:30 p.m. I warmed up some leftovers for lunch, Later I read a few chapters in a book, drank some coffee, watched some football, and watched celebrity chopped.

Around 10 p.m. I worked out with my daughter doing some kettlebells! WOW, great day!

egg, whole wheat waffle, turkey sausage
Yellow squash and asparagus
a few corn chips and a few nuts
slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a cup of coffee.

Walked briskly 1.5 mi
Kettlebelled - half hour

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week 32, Saturday, Diet with Dianna

Psalm 23:1-3 The LORD is my shepherd.
I will always have everything I need.
He gives me green pastures to lie in.
He leads me by calm pools of water.
He restores my strength.
He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.

Rut, rut, rut...I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and going nowhere fast. I feel like I have lost my enthusiasm and drive. It seems that Satan is throwing food in my face; temptation is everywhere.  I feel physically robbed. Today, was not a good day. I didn't sleep well last night and today my allergies were annoying me. I thought I had gotten over this and today it seemed to be coming back.

PRAYER! PRAYER! THANKSGIVING! PRAISE! This is what my Spirit urged me to do today. So, I spent about several hours in Bible study and listening to praise music and worshiping God! I closed my bedroom door and just captured the Holiness of the Lord. I needed to take the focus off of me and my circumstances and put them on the Lord. He is my strength and refuge. Later in the day I dressed for church and went to participate in BIG worship. I could feel my Spirit reviving and bubbling and moving. Even though my body is sore and exhausted, my spirit has been recharged. I know I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me.

My family is a great support system too. If not for them, I would have failed by now. I know that I can lean on them for motivation and engorgement. Not mere words but participating with me in walking. They, like the Lord, are restoration. I know that tomorrow I will be ready to resist to temptations, tackle exercise and get out an walk. I will be a success at eating well!

No exercise today. I rested my physical body but I exercised my mind and Spirit in the Lord!


  • Small bowl of oats, toast, egg, turkey sausage, and coffee.
  • Turkey, spinach, basil pesto, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and a few chips
  • Asparagus and yellow squash, whole wheat toast.
  • Cutie mandarin orange and chai tea. 

Week 32, Friday, Diet with Dianna

Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Gorgeous, beautiful, warm day. I stayed home most of the day today, however, I didn't just sit around doing nothing. First, I fixed breakfast for myself, my daughter and son. Then I walked the dog. Next I got in my car and drove down to the local auto store for some two stroke engine oil. Then back home to blow leaves and then mulch leaves. Whew! My son and I finished up in a couple of hours. I got some good exercise. I'm glad I've been working out. My arms didn't get fatigued holding the leaf blower, like they used to.
When I was finished I looked like "Pigpen" from Charlie Brown. As I walked I left a trail of dust and dirt.
I showered and spent the rest of the day was catching up on emails, and laundry.

Walked 1.5 mi
Mowed & blowed leaves.
I even kettlebelled before I went to bed! I had so much energy today. Wow!

Today's Menu:
Fried egg, turkey sausage, toast, coffee
Small bowl of chili and diet coke zero
Small bowl of chili with added mixed veggies & water
Three mini Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies and a cup of coffee.

Successful weight loss stories at

Friday, January 6, 2012

Week 32, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

Wow! Great day! Stayed busy most of the day. I did eat well. Woke up late but grabbed a piece of toast and coffee as we ran out the door. Later I baked cookies for the family and made two pots of chili. One with beans (I like the beans) and some without beans (my men folk like it bean-less). OH, so Dee-Lish-Ous!!!!! Good winter comfort food!  It was good and spicy, which made my nose water.

Did not walk.

Revelation Knowledge:
Psalm 139:13 & 14  You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

Even though we may change our eating habits, we still have cravings for unhealthy foods. Here is a testimony from a girl who replaced her cravings for food to Cravings for Jesus and gained control over her fleshly desires:

After having lost 60 pounds through exercise and changes in diet, I knew I still had not conquered my addiction to food and I privately feared that I would gain the weight back. Despite my physical success, I still fell prey to desires for the sugary treats and unhealthy meals. During a session at a health conference at my church, the speaker (Dr. Celeste Owens) mentioned... spiritual malnutrition. I can’t thank God enough for the book and for Lysa.Made to Crave has changed my life. I’m now down 75 pounds, with a goal to take off a total of 120 pounds. I know that each choice I make determines my victory or defeat. I tell everyone about this book. Even my trainer (a male) is reading it! — Vanessa T.

Today's Menu:
Toast and coffee (on the run).
Jason's Deli: Salad bar (I measured out 3 cups total salad and topping) Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, red onion, apples, nuts, raisins, feta cheese, spinach leaves, and romaine. Oil & Vinegar dressing. :D
Bowl of homemade chili (three beans and ground turkey) DEE-LISH!
Spiced Pumpkin cookie and coffee for a late snack.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 32, Wednesday, Diet with Dianna

Tuesday. I did a good workout tonight with the kettlebell. Wow, I was huffing and puffing! It felt good to heat up. The room was slightly chilled, but after I got moving I quickly shed my sweater and ran for the shower afterward. 

I haven't weighed and won't until Monday night. I know that the workouts, walking, and good healthy eating will pay off!!!! I like watching the scales go down to lower numbers. 

It is a great idea to find a support friend or friends to help you stay accountable for your new lifestyle. Don't do it alone. Plan to succeed. Here is one way I stay accountable and encourage myself/motivation:

  • I have been reading a website by Lysa TerKeurst and her "Made to Crave" Daily Devotionals. She offers great spiritual uplifting for living a better life Craving God and not food. Here is a link to her website. Lysa TerKeurst
"Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food." Romans 14:20a (NIV)
 By Lysa TerKeurst: Excerpt from: Made to Crave:
Old thought patterns: "I need these chips. I deserve this ice cream. I must have that extra large portion."
New thought patterns:Chips will only taste good for the moment. But the calories are empty and will do nothing good for my body. 2 Corinthians 7:1 reminds me, "...Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit... out of reverence for God." (NIV 1984)
This ice cream will give me a sugar high but then I'll crash and feel terrible. Psalm 34:8...reminds me to get into God's Word and let it satisfy the deep hungry places of my soul, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." (NIV 1984)
This extra large portion will overstuff me and make me feel sluggish. I can't look to this food to soothe me. Psalm 34:5 says, "Those who look to [God] are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." (NIV 1984)
Learning to do this has been a process that I have to intentionally choose day after day. Eventually, I did lose the extra weight I needed to shed and have kept it off. But the real reward was what I gained with Jesus in the process. He became the best part of my journey. And I wouldn't have missed this new found closeness I now have with Him for anything in the world.
Dear Lord, if this devotion is a call to action that I need to make, please help me. I want to see the root of my issue, I really do. I want to learn to crave and depend on only You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Today, on Lysa's devotional there were a few great helpful hints and questions:

  • Keep a pocket sized notebook nearby all of this week. Every time you crave food, ask yourself if you are hungry or if you are craving something else like comfort or peace. Write down your old thought patterns and then rewrite them using new thought patterns.
  • Have I learned to let God satisfy my deepest needs?
  • What is one healthy choice I can make today?
  • Power Verses:
    Romans 14:17, "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit..." (NIV)
    Psalm 18:1, "I love you, O LORD, my strength." (NIV 1984)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 32, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

Titus 2:11-12 NIV, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions (and I believe that it also means cravings for food, too), and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.” 

Well, I'm down a pound so I'm headed in the right direction. I hate that I am having to backtrack through to the weight I had already lost, but at least I'm going down.  Day before yesterday I exercised. Yesterday I was I am REALLY sore. AHHH! Exercising was not fun and rather painful! I know it will do me a lot of good, though. Walking was at a slower pace because my groin muscles are very sore.

Well, I woke up too late to get in my exercise for the morning. I kettlebelled tonight. It all worked out, thankfully. BUT, I did get my devotional/Bible study completed for day three, this morning.

Last night I made two loaves of bread. One was white bread and the other was whole wheat. They turned out beautiful! Mrs. Baird would be so proud. The house smelled heavenly.  I was so tempted to eat a slice as they came out of the oven, but I resisted. I did, however, eat a slice for breakfast with my coffee this morning and it was worth the wait! It was soooo good!  I wish you could sample a piece. It is so much better than store bought bread and so easy to make!

I will put the recipe here for those of you that would like to try and make some. NOTE: Once you make it, you will be hooked and will have to make more, guaranteed!

No-Knead Whole Wheat Bread
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Yield: 1 loaf of bread (16 slices)If you've never baked homemade yeast bread, but want to learn how, start here. Unlike most yeast breads, this one isn’t kneaded; instead, the soft dough is simply beaten in a bowl for several minutes, and then scooped into a bread pan. Ninety minutes later, it’s ready to pop into the oven and bake. The result: A dense, moist, easy-to-slice loaf; Ideal for sandwiches!Ingredients:
1 cup      lukewarm water, (approximately 110°F).
¼ cup      (2 ounces) orange juice
¼ cup      (2 ounces) melted butter or vegetable oil (do not use margarine)
3 Tablespoons      molasses (or maple syrup)
1 package              (2 teaspoons instant dry yeast)
¼ cup                      whole milk or soy milk
3 cups                    (12 ¾ ounces) Premium 100 % whole wheat flour ( I use King Arthur brand)
1 teaspoon            sea salt 


1.       Non-Stick cooking spray or vegetable shortening
2.       Stand mixer with large mixing bowl, and paddle attachment
3.       Measuring cups and measuring spoons
4.       1 bread loaf pan
5.       Plastic wrap and one large piece of aluminum foil
6.       Instant read thermometer
7.       Hot pads or mittens
8.       Large spoon or scraping spatula
9.       One gallon-size, zipper style, storage bag and paper towels.

1.       Add the yeast to the water and let it stand for 5 minutes. Set aside and work on the next step.
2.       Thoroughly and liberally grease a bread loaf pan (8 ½” x 4 ½”) It is very important to grease the pan well, as this bread tends to stick.
3.       Combine all of the wet ingredients into a very large mixing bowl or a large stand mixer bowl.
4.       Add all the remaining dry ingredients next.
5.       Beat on very low speed at first, then on a medium/high speed for 3 minutes. (If you are hand stirring, make sure to have a friend nearby because your arm will get very tired).
6.       THE DOUGH IS STICKY SO SPRAY YOUR HANDS WITH NON-STICK SPRAY BEFORE HANDLING THE DOUGH. Scoop or pour the bread dough in to the prepared loaf pan. 
7.       Spray a large piece of plastic wrap with non-stick spray and cover loosely over the bread and set it in a warm place to rise. The dough will  rise up over the top of the bread pan.
8.       Let rise for 45 to 90 minutes (until the dough has risen up above the top of the pan)…do not skip this step.
9.       Preheat the oven to 350°F, if using a glass baking dish (325°F for a dark metal pan). Bake for 15 minutes.
10.    Remove with hand protection and tent the bread with aluminum foil, and replace into the oven for an additional 15 – 20 minutes.
11.    The bread is actually done when an instant read thermometer temperature reaches 195°F
12.    Remove from the oven. Turn oven off. Set the bread on a wire rack, in the pan and let it rest for 5 minutes.
13.    With hand protection, invert the loaf pan and place the bread on a wire rack to cool. Let the bread cool completely before slicing.
14.    Store any remaining bread wrapped in paper towels and then placed in a zipper style bag for up to 1 week at room temperature, or 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

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