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Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 35, Thursday, Diet with Dianna

"Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food."  Romans 14:20a (NIV)

Tonight was the first night for a new Bible study group that I am leading. Whoo-hoo! Five, beautiful women came and it was awesome. We are studying, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.  I am so encouraged and excited to have this opportunity. I know that we all will grow spiritually and benefit physically from this study.

Here is an excerpt from Lysa's book and Bible Study series:


... no diet would have ever been permanently successful until I got to the real root of my problem.
The root of my issue was craving food more than God. I desired and depended on the instant high of physical gratification because I hadn’t learned how to let God satisfy my deepest needs.  This realization became a call to action...
... Old thought patterns:
“I need these chips.  I deserve this ice cream.  I must have that extra large portion."
New thought patterns:
Chips will only taste good for the moment.  But the calories are empty and will do nothing good for my body.  2 Corinthians 7:1 reminds me, “…Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit… out of reverence for God.”


I did not blog on Wednesday. All day Tuesday and Tuesday night we had a lot of rain; about 5.5 inches. "Well, the rain came down and the floods came up, but the house on the rock stood firm."  Wednesday morning I woke up and walked into the office, *splash, splash*, oh! no!. The water and seeped into the house in our office and my son's room. The carpets were very, very wet, cold, and squishy. I spent most of the day vacuuming with the wet/dry vac, putting down mildewstat and turning on fans. There was a lot of furniture moving... and....well you get the picture.  I was just too tired to blog last night. I got plenty of physical exercise...but not the kind I prefer.

I am so grateful that God protected us and that it was only water that entered the house. I am so grateful that it was only heavy rains and not damaging thunderstorms or worse. God is good! I am grateful that I was able to do the cleaning and that all is dry and back to normal tonight! Praise God!

Yep! walked briskly 1.5 miles
Kettlebells while I watched a movie, "This Side of Heaven".

Today's Menu:
Small bowl of oats with blueberries, a blueberry sugar free whole wheat muffin and coffee.

Turkey patty, small bowl of mixed green lettuce, and tea

Steamed homestyle meatballs, steamed broccoli, and mashed potatoes

carrots, tomatoes, cheese squares and a few Pretzel Crisps and coffee (with my Bible study group!)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you class went well!! I'm sure the book you eventually write about your experiences will be an inspiration to many people, men and women alike!


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