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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week 44, Tuesday, Diet with Dianna

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”Romans 10:9-10 NIV

Our dishwasher officially quit working yesterday. I did some shopping and internet research yesterday and today. I finally decided on a brand and style. I printed out the information and found the best price in town by using the internet. I took my printout with me to the store and it is a good thing I did. The price displayed on the 'mega-store's' web site was $100 less than the advertised price in the store! It was a good thing I took the printout with me because the mega-store matched the price...even though they are one and the same company. Strange!!!!! I saved a hundred bucks by shopping online and printing out my comparisons. 

God is so good. I listened to the Holy Spirit tell me to print out the web page with the unit model and price...I stuffed it in my purse as I ran out the door. I felt kind of silly toting in my paper when the salesman approached. I told him exactly what I wanted and he looked at me funny. He showed me the unit and then that's when I noticed the price difference. I questioned him about it and he asked me if I had proof of the price difference. YEP! I handed it to him and he asked, "But is this current? When did you print this out? It's probably out of date." he said sort of smugly. NOPE! I pointed to the date on the top of the printout!

HOORAY! I got the lower price!  Even though I had to buy a new dishwasher, I got the bargain price! Thank you GOD!!!!

Yesterday when I was out shopping, we had stopped for lunch and getting back in the car I noticed that both drink cup holders were full of other things. I quickly stuck my drink between my thighs. WHAT!? WAIT!!!! Hello! The realization finally made it to my brain. HEY! DIANNA! Your legs have thinned down enough that you can hold a drink cup between your thighs! Imagine that! Wow! 

Yes, a thin person is probably shaking their head. Only a person that has lugged extra weight around for a long time could understand this excitement. Only a person who once had thunder thighs the size of small sequoia redwood trees could fathom the significance and thrill of once again being able to use her legs as a cup holder. I grinned and hummed happily to myself for a couple of hours...even though the drink was very cold and the condensation was soaking into my jeans. I left the cup there for the entire trip home.

Go me!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! I love what seems like small things to others but huge things to myself. Yes! Smiling all the way home is the perfect thing to do!!

    Keep it up! Keep up the encouragement! My boat or wagon is moving very slow.


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