“When we were utterly helpless [sinners], Christ came at just the right time and died for us. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Romans 5:6-8 NLT
What is in your refrigerator?
Have you really changed your unhealthy eating habits? Well, you think you have but with further investigating you might still be harboring foods that could sabotage your weight loss. Believe it when I say that a higher fat content is better for you than lower fat...the added sugar is much worse for you than the fat. Limit your serving sizes and enjoy the extra fat. REALLY! Take a tour through your fridge and remove the diet dangerous foods.
Here is my list of Better Food Choices to stock in your fridge.
REAL mayonnaise
Dill pickles
Soy or Almond Milk
Cream or half & half
Butter (avoid margarines and diet butters they are full of fake ingredients and sugars).
Fresh baby spinach
Cheese (swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, gorganzola)
Eggs or Egg whites (Free Range, cage free, organic feed) Pricer but nutritiously better!
Sugar free syrup
Low sugar or sugar free jam/jelly
Italian salad dressing (low fat usually has added sugar)
Fresh strawberries, blueberries
onion (scallions, whole yellow & white)
Bay leaves
Worcestershire sauce
grape tomatoes
sweet potatoes
broccoli sprouts
sunflower seeds & almonds
Fiber One 50 calorie yogurt (5 grams sugar)
Soybee Zero or Lifewater Zero (sweetened with Stevia)
Whole wheat waffles (freezer) (whole wheat is better than regular and lower in sugars)
Chicken (boneless, skinless, breast...freezer)
Fish (freezer...look for wild or Alaskan -- Farm raised are not as nutritious)
Mixed veggies
Brussel Sprouts
Green beans
Turkey Sausage (regular sausage is higher in fat but is still okay).
lean ground beef
Lean steak
85% chocolate bar from Lindt
Foods to AVOID:
Anything labeled low fat or fat free are usually full of added sugars
yogurts (very high in sugars) Plain is better and much lower in sugar, but who like plain?
grapes are very high in sugars
Milk: 2%, 1%, fat free, Whole (too high in sugar)
margarines and diet margarines
salad dressings are full of added sugars (oil and vinegar dressings are ideal)
Apple sauce (VERY HIGH IN SUGAR and fructose)
jellies & jams
Salsa (make your own...it better for you and so easy).
sweet pickles
low fat or fat free mayonnaise
Sodas/Pop (Too much sugar)
Energy drinks (TOO much sugar)
Diet Soda/Diet Pop (artificial sugar is equally bad, but it is free of sugar and calories).
Limit your fruit (higher sugar content)
Processed meats
Processed breads
Ice cream
cakes & cookies
Frozen pizzas