Matthew 26:41 Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!”How do I avoid giving in to temptations? Prayer, studying the Word, and giving in to God's calm quiet voice whispering in my ear. When I feel deprived, tempted, or overwhelmed by a food temptation, I begin to talk to my heavenly Father. I hand over my physical desires for unhealthy food and God responds immediately. I feel a peace come over me and I hear Him encouraging me...not reprimanding or berating me, and most definitely not in a commanding or harsh voice, but a gentle persuasion and reminder. "Dianna, you asked me to help you refrain from those kinds of foods. You told me that you were going to give up those kinds of foods to bring your body into a healthier state. I'm not going to make this choice for you. I have given you complete freedom to make your own decisions. I will only bring your request to mind. IT is up to you to choose. Now, will you take my strength and walk away from that temptation? You can do it because I have already defeated the world and the desires of the flesh. All you have to do is trust in me, take my will and you win."
When I thought of those words he spoke to me I understood that even in the small things, God allows us to make the choice. He won't overstep his authority and choose for us. He only guides and reminds us what the better choices are, but he never chooses for us. FREE WILL! Ultimately, it is my choice that will cause me to be successful or fall flat on my face. Here's the deal: God said that he would walk through the valley of shadow of death...he didn't say that he would do it for me, but walk with me.
When I am weak and tempted, I turn to God's strength to get me through. But I have to trust Him! He will only help me through it if I will give up my will to Him. God's spirit is what reminds me to make the right choices. In 2 Corinthians 12:8 &10 “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” ...For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
Exactly right!!! God empowers us, He does not enslave us! Total belief in Him is the connection through which empowerment flows. What a great writer and teacher you have become